Page 140 - YB1896
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Sketcb of Webster Citerary Socidy. S O 11l,l11\ times gl\ en to the It however, to mention has the Literary been here 111 detail of its the of the most mteresnng this year marks anniversary 1870, interest in first literary society of Western Mary- Irving-seemed to wane. the need of the benefits that are derived only such in 1871, nine young students of the to meeting occasion- ally the purpose of such questions as might be suggested to their minds, decided to call the Debating Society. This proved a stepping-stone to greater things, as a few months had passed when it was resolved to form a more complete organization. After considerable effort on the part of the members of the society, the consent of the Faculty of the college was secured, and a new constitution having been adopted, they declared themselves \\'ehsler Literary Society, in honor of that great orator whose name every true American holds in reverence, taking his dying words, .. J still live " (Latiuizetl, ;;Ac1 hue vivo "), as the motto of the It !lIay that the organizers of this society had at that time high hopes for its success, but we cannot think that they dared to hope for such results as are now shown by its records. Persistent effort 011 the part of its member-s is the secret of the great success which has crowned Webster Society. Year after year improvements have been made, until the fount! in Webster Literary So- such of over eight hundred volumes, character, from rbe best writers; besides this, members of Webster have access to half a dozen of the leading magazines, through which they are enabled to keep posted on the topics of the day. Many specimens of rare and valuable minerals and curiosities from all parts of the world have been collected from time to time, which prove of great interest and help to the student of natural history. Its membership has increased steadily; each year a good portion of the new men who have come under the fostering influences of our beloved institu-
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