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was ill his trouser pocket. Then the traitor sayetb IIOt a word, but goeth and gathereth together his army and statioueth them in convenient quarters to be had at a moment's notice. Then he goeth again to bed, and lying down he doth" play possum." After a little while om Freshman doth arise and stealeth fr0111 his re- treat, followed at a little distance by the enemy. Oh, poor deluded mortal, could'st thou but discern those large and bulky figures which the trees and grass conceal, thy heart within thy bosom would be turned to stone. Silence reigns. Hark! what is this which doth appear? Two forms become visible, and between them they bear something which doth resemble that of a mall. Oh, ye gods! can it be that a murder has been committed? HlISb, foolish heart, it is only Sallust, whose cremation takes place on this evening. Aud !lOW forms of loyal Freshmen are seen standing near with "blood ill their eye" and "murder stamped every; where upon their countenance." First Hangman Stemm mounts the tree, and forthwith preparations are made round about. Each has his work to do, and all do it as if by magic. No orders are given, for all have been previously instructed, and each girds himself for the labor. All is now in readiness and Sheriff Baker has taken his stand. Orator Sam now removes his bead-gear, and the solemn awe that there reigns penetrates even the hardened and cruel hearts of the hidden foe. The Freshies look around them to make sure that 110 treachery is being used, and they discover in the darkness that there are more souls than their OW11. All would have been confusion and alarm, but for the deep voice of the lion-hearted Cale, who pronounces the inagic word '92. Then we knew all was safe, for the gallant and magnanimous class of jolly Juniors had joined the festival. Now all things are ready. The signal is given, the torch applied. Now the voice of our orator rises high and clear, and far and wide do the flames shoot out their light. Now comes our Sophomore experience. Ob, how we would like to domineer over those Freshmen. But, as our number has been diminished and as the number of Freshies is so great, it behooves us to hold our peace. There were twelve of us 011 the male side, known as the twelve disciples, but Judas forsook us, and then there were only eleven. Oh, what is there that can not be said of this band? Dame Rumor states that although the intelligent folks are contained in '9-+, yet one of those intelligent ones did. go down town and try to draw water from a pump·stock in front of an agricultural store j and also' that, although being skilled horsemen, one was violently thrown. Yes, these things are true, but the commit- tee which was appoiuted to investigate the matter made the report that on the one hand the pump did look wonderfully real, and so an excuse was acceptable, and on the other hand, that the horse which bucked was a foreign animal, which had been reared by a foreign master, aud did not understand the manners of an Ameri- can. Let us say that with a few more scrimmages we passed our Soph year well pleased with ourselves. Mirabile Dictu ! Now we are Juniors! May we have as pleasant a time in the future as we have had ill the past. So far we have redeemed ourselves in the eyes of '93. At our banquet, which we had the pleasure of holding ill their honor, the right hand of fellowship was given, which bound us together forever. And '93 and '94 stand united as the upper classmen of W. M. C. HISTORIAN. 8,
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