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The result of the first year's work proved very satisfactory, as has that of each succeeding year, with plans enlarged and improved as circumstances required from year to year. The whole number of students enrolled as seminarians has been lOS. The number of graduates, 34. Rev. Dr. Lewis was coutiuued in the Presidency of the Seminary until June, [886, when he was elected by the Board of Trustees to succeed Rev. Dr. Ward, who had resigned as President of Western Maryland College; and Dr. Ward was elected by the Board of Governors to the Presidency of the Seminary, which posi- tiou he still fills. "Tile Sloe/don Sacietp" of the Seminary was formed November loth, 1883, and so named in honor of the memory of Rev. Thomas H. Stockton of Philadelphia, a distinguished pulpit orator of the Methodist Protestant Church, who died in 1868, in the doth year of his age. "Tile lIfissiollalJ' Alliance" of the Seminary meets on the last Friday of each month, for exercises promotive of the cause of Missions, home and foreign. TIle Library of the Seminary contains about 2000 volumes, mostly of a religious character, contributed by friends of the institution. Among the most prominent con- tributions are valuable works which once formed part of the libraries of Rev. Alexander McRaine, Rev. Thomas McCorurick , and Rev. Augustus 'Webster, D. D., who were eminent fathers of the Methodist Protestant Church. TIl( ProplTty of the Seminary, building and grounds (five acres), is estimated at $6,500. The building is heated by steam, and supplied with water from the city water works. By an arrangement with Western Maryland College, students of the Seminary have the privilege of pursuing such studies of the college as they need in their preparation for the ministry, in addition to those of the Seminary. Students of tue Seminary have their rooms in the building, but take their meals at the college, and register their names there as boarders. They are also expected to co-operate in the religious meetings at the college, when Seminary duties do not inter- fere. The scholastic year embraces three terms, known as the fa\l, winter and spring terms, corresponding with the same at college, and the times of vacation are also the same at both institutions. '35
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