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~KeTCH OF THe SeMJNftRY, iii @ @ Gr6:J ~l ES'i'NIINSTER 'I'heolcgical Seminary of the Methodist Protestant Church" :1!: may be regarded as having existed at least for ten years, although not under this name; for it is, in fact, the same institution for the organization of which, under the title of "The Sc/lool of Theology," the first steps were taken by the Maryland Aminal Conference, at its session in Cumberland, Md., March, IS8]. Up to that time, yOUll~ men of the 1\1. P. church, preparing for the ministr-y, had 110 opportunity of obtaining full theological training ill any school of said church east of the Alleghany mountains. l'he nearest ap- proach to such opportunity for them was by attending Western Maryland College, which was established under the auspices of the 'Conference, and had a depart- ment for such instruction in theological studies as could be pursued in connection with the usnnl college course. But it afforded insufficient training in this depart- ment. The Committee of the Conference of r881, 011 Western Maryland College, reported thus: "There seems to be a growing need for an early provision to be made to teach systematic theology. The better class of students who are candi- dates for the Christinu ministry, are !lOW becoming ambitious for a scholastic theo- logical training * *" * \Ve are confident that satisfactory arrangements can be made to meet this need * * * and therefore urge upon the Conference to take the initiatory steps towards that end." The report was adopted. and the following resolution. offered by Rev. Dr. L. W. Bates, passed: "Resolved, That Dr. J. T. Murray, Rev. P. L. Wilson and Dr. Charles Billingsfea, be a Committee to report some plan by which systematic theology may be taught the graduates of Western Maryland College who are preparing for the Christian ministry, and report the same to the next session of this Conference." At the session of the Conference, held ill the Broadway church, Baltimore, in March, 1882, the Committee made a report. which was adopted, recommending the immediate couuueucemcnt of arrangements for a School of Theology to meet the need of the church. Rev. 1'. H. Lewis was elected to be the Principal of said school, and directed" to enter at once upon his duties in such preparatory work as shalt enable him to organize aud commence the course of instruction in the School of Theology at the beginning of the collegiate year, in September, .ss-, Iu pursuance of these instructions, the Principal proceeded to organize a Faculty, and secured the co-operation of Rev. J. '1'. Ward, D. D., for the department of Systematic 'l'heology, and Rev. ]. 't. Murray, D. D., for the department of Pastoral Theology. who, toge.ther with the Principal, should constitute the resident Faculty, and, for the present, the Board of Management. '33
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