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~~lt_:I:l~l~1-~"'j::l(C:.J!1- Confessions of a Former Freshman working opportunities. I also learned as it unfolded. We took candid photos of HANNA BARKER Co-Commentary Editor many useful skills, such as video ed- life on campus and learned how to write Assistant Web Editor iting and interviewing techniques. interesting and informative captions. I It was all so easy, too. I just ex- helped two seniors create the senior issue I almost didn't join the staff of The Me- pressed interest to either Lisa or what- of the paper, which was challenging, but Daniel Free Press freshman year. I was ever student was in charge of my area a lot of fun. The Newspaper Practicum intimidated by the collegiate level; even of interest, and they were more than does require more work than just being after my great experiences with newspa- willing to set me on the right path. Dur- a member of the staff, but I enjoyed it so per in high school. On a whim, though, ing my first semester, I was not only a much I'm signed up for it this semester. I attended the second staff meeting of' staff writer, but a member of both the My favorite Free Press experience the year, and the atmosphere was so en- layout and copy desk staff, and I loved of freshman year was definitely the .ergetic and welcoming, I was hooked. it. When my level of coursework got CMA conference in New York City . I stayed after that first meeting to heavy, it was easy to cut back on Free Senior Kim Williams, Junior Megan speak with faculty sponsor Lisa Bre- Press commitments by writing a sim- Robinson, and I listened to speakers slin, who quickly ushered me over pler piece or just focusing on layout like Terry Moran from ABC News, to Art Director Ashleigh Smith ' 10 that week rather than doing everything. attended sessions about the future of upon hearing that I was proficient Let me tell you, that flexibility was newspapers, and got to take a look at with Adobe InDesign. Ashleigh and vital to the preservation of my sanity. the papers of other colleges fromacross I stayed outside the Writing Center You really can do as much or as little the country. It was a fun, enlighten- and talked for over half an hour about as you have the time or the desire for. ing, and unforgettable experience. both the paper and life at McDaniel. I took the practicum class next se- Interested in joining the Me- I knew that this was an environment mester because I enjoyed it all so much. Daniel Free Press? Come to one where I belonged, and I dove right in. This allowed me to get even more in- of our meetings, held in the Writ- Joining the Free Press was my best volved. We learned how to use iMovie, ing Center on Monday nights. If decision of freshman year. This one and then I created a 60 Seconds video you can't make it, talk to Lisa Bres- action resulted in so many benefits. about whether students felt they got lin, whose office is located right I grew as a writer. J met amazing what they paid for at McDaniel College. across from the Writing Center in people. I found leadership and net- The class reported on Snowmaggedon Hill Hall. Hope to see you there! 60 Seconds WHArs ONE PERSON OR RESOURCE YOU COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT AT MCDANIEL? NATHAN.WUERTENBERG Commentary Editor "My professors are my most important resource on campus. They've been so helpful with designing my major, helping me decide :- which classes to take, and giving me advice about grad school." JENEICE SHAW '11 "I couldn't live without my car at McDaniel, because csmuch as I love being on campus, sometimes I like to get away, and having my car on campus makes that very convenient." ---- BETSY GRAVENOR, '11 "The most important resource that I have had has been Dr. McKay. She has been a valuable resource for me by telling me the truth, helping me .. in any way she can, and being somebody that I can just say 'Hi' ro." ANDREW RAUCH, '11 "I can't live without my baby on campus, and by baby, I mean corn- puter. I do schoolwork on it, watch TV shows and movies, and keep in touch with my friends. I can't imagine living without it." _ DANI ALLEN, '13
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