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_"'I:.l'U'_~~~:I:I:J~~:J.1.~'!'J:I(<<.J~l New President, New School Year DR. ROGER CASEY And speaking of The Green: where else President can you tailgate in a drive-in stadium? Finally, location, location, location: we're an hour or less from Baltimore, My name is Roger Casey. Along with DC, PA,WV,VA,the Chesapeake, Am- my wife, Robyn Allers', and our en- trak, and the global connections ofBWI. tire faculty and staff, I'd like to say, And yet you won't be fighting rush- "Welcome home, returning students, hour traffic to get to class. So if four and welcome to McDaniel, first- years aren't enough here, stay and get a years." When I walk the Hill, you'll masters from one of twenty programs. see me proudly wearing a green but- See what a privilege it is to say, "I am ton that says, "I am McDaniel." I hope McDaniel." In just my first week here, DR. ROGER CASEY AND WifE, you will wear one, too. Collectively, I encountered alumni who have argued ROBYN ALLERS we are all McDaniel College, and I before the Supreme Court, had books PHOTO BY MEGAN ROBINSON am delighted to begin this academic written about them, taught as an en- great opportunities here, I don't think year as McDaniel's ninth President. dowed professor at Harvard, conduct- McDaniel has nearly enough swag- What's so great about McD? We're ed cutting-edge biomedical research, ger. So get some swag and swagger. one of only forty Colleges That Change started Fortune 500 corporations, We live in an age of super connectIV- Lives, and we do so through our per- and won a Pulitzer Prize. That was ity. Like me, most of you publish on sonalized interdisciplinary curriculum Week One. Couple such alumni with Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. (1 (The McDaniel Plan) and phenomenal the amazing accomplishments of our invite you to follow my Tweets @Dr- faculty-student collaborations in teach- student-centered faculty and staff and Rog; or friend me, and I'll friend yoU ing, research, advising. and even crab- your own impressive achievements and back.) How often do you use your eating. Our diverse community is en- it's easy to understand: I) Why we have social networks to spread the word gaged in hundreds of opportunities. In all chosen to be part of this phenom- about interesting things on the Hill? fact, we're ranked as one of the Top Ten enal college, and 2) Why I am deeply I challenge you to use your status bar colleges in community service. Any- honored to serve as your new president. or your Flip cam to make the rest of one can get involved in the arts at Me- I've been asking many different peo- the world as aware of this great com- Daniel. We host a nationally renowned ple hard questions to gain a clearer un- munity as we are. Every time we post folk-arts festival, Common Ground on derstanding of our collective vision for something positive about McDaniel, the Hill. Innovative January courses McDaniel's future. So when you see the value of our college brand and take students to Spain, China, Camer- me, stop me and tell me yours. Two ultimately the value of your diploma oon, Belize, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Ja- goals are already clearly important to rises. (And every time we say SOlne- pan, Turkey, Greece .... Want more me: 1)Improving the image and reputa- thing negative, the reverse is true. internationalization? Then study all tion of McDaniel, and 2) Enhancing the Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot!) year at our European campus, the only quality of student life, especially our Wear Green; speak Green; act Green. American university in Budapest, Hun- residential and student-life facilities. You are McDaniel; shout about it. gary. We believe in environmental sus- When it comes to the first goal, you Have a great year, Green! I'm tainability. Even our mascot is green! can help profoundly. Despite all the honored to serve ~s your President. Ct! Resident Assistants (RAs) gathered in Ensor Lounge @DRROG ON TWITTER = w Tuesday morning, Aug. 17, before leaving for Gunpowder > JULY24,8 PM AUGUST 5, 9:27 PM o Falls to enjoy some team building thrills. A handful of u RAs (on behalf of the entire group) took time to welcome "101 degrees. 1knew "Darn, Kagan has been w Class of 2014. Back row (left to right) Jess Hague '13, McDaniel was the honest elected to the Supreme I Jess Oros '12, Brooke Freedland' 11. Front row (h): college in America." Court. There goes mychance I- Forest Fleischer '13, Sophia Diven '13, Betsy Warner '12, again." Eric Liggins '13. Z o JUliA STRUMPEll '11
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