Page 40 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
P. 40
DfIIllR 7BfflIr sPORTS THE AMJANIEl fREE PRESS OCTOBER 11 2007 12 Football's back NFL Picks: Solid picks put guru back on track Keating closes on 100 career wins By Chn. Fen1d[~Manley There are positives however. Take the Eagles over Peterson and their offense. Take San Di~ 28 Raiders 17: The Green Terror Foot- The team leads the conference in the Jets this week, says the Bears at home. JaMarcus Russell or no JaMarcus ball squad started 0-4 for the first total kickoff rerum yardage, ao Redsld.. 16 Peekers 13, Russell, the Raiders need more rime since 1996 before rebounding cording to the Centennial Confer- McDaniel Guru Both Green Bay and Washing ... than JUSt one #1 pick. to win to win 14-10 vs. Juniata. The win ence's website. Freshman Juris Ey- ByGa.rreU:fapn, ron are sleeper teams this season. games, especially against [he shaky was me 500th in me program's his- ler leads the conference in kickoff Mc:Oanlel Guru Washington had. a 'fluke Week Chargers. Take the Chargers, [Ory. rerum average; however, like. Baer; 3 loss against the Giams, and is Patriots 31 Dallas 17: It It has been a difficult year for he suffered an injury: Perhaps Mer a rebound from a dis- looking sound on offense. 'Their dcesrr take a guru to pick chis the ream on many levels. Filth year more imporranrly.fs the emergence appointing Week 2 with a 13-3 defense is what scares me. 'With one. The Cowboys are strong this quarterback Brad Baer injured his of sophomore running hack Eric record in Week 3, the Guru made Favre playing like he is. it will be a season. bur Tony Rome doesn't ankle in practice before me Sep- Zwilsky. Afeer scoring only one some solid picks to get back on close game. Take the Redskins. stand a chance egatnsc the New 31 Chiel' 17, BengaU tember 22 loss to Dickinson. Se- touchdown last year, he has already track. Picks, such as' Tampa Bay England defense. ,Even though Dallas has a good chance, it won't nior Tom Wenrich has taken over scored nine this year and there is over St. Louis and Baltimore over Even though the Bengels record take much for the Pats to CHEAT shows a mediocre start; the Ben- the duties at QB since. The place- still half of e'season to play. Arizona really helped my stars. gals have played well SO far. Going deach. kicking game has been a weak spot Terror head Coach Tim Kear- However, the biggest pick was Gianu 20 Atlanta 10: Eli for me team as well. Junior kicker ing could not be reached for com- Green Bay over San Diego. You Inro Week. 4. the Becgels average Manning has looked good since Jay Leonard bas made only twO of ment. Keating needs four more can never count OUt Bren Favre, point margin in lose game was 4.5. We~ 1, even with the record that to make They just mainly need his seven field goal mes according wins to reach JOO career wins at eSpecially on what I chink is his that final push In me 4th quarter. the Giants have. Take the: G~Men final tour in the NFL [0 me McDaniel CoUc:ge athletics McDaniel. Week 6 bopefuDy will be more of -"_ ....- over me Ditty Birds in this one. Take the Bengals web pagc. After their bye. the Terror In week 4, my record again to handle: the PICK OF lllEWEEK A glaring weakness has been uavd co Muhlcaberg during IaU dropp
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