Page 39 - mcdanielfreepress2007-08
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THE M'DANIEl FREE PRESS cx::TOBER 11 2007 Commenta Fall Break provides a Comic Corner Fall Break EAe seeing time to recharge red over lack of green The, short break signifies hours to relax back home and catch By Christine Boynton, Commenbry COMEdltor up with family and friends. For a sigh of relief for many many kids here it may even be the students first time they get to return home since Augusr. And let's be honest, By ~te Delenlck nothing beats sleeping in your Step outside of your dorm or "own" bed. apartment and really take a look If you do plan on going home around campus. I mean it, really for full break there is one key com- look. You'll find yourself in a sea of ponent that really makes those greens, oranges, reds, and yellows ... days worth it - parents. When Iget because full is here! Put away your home I'll not only greer them with sandals and pull out your Uggs. a big hug, but also a nice big basket The month of October not of laundry and ask, "When can you only marks a change in your ward- take me to Wal-Mart?" Those two robe but also a time that McDaniel days off are like a right of passage students as well as other college stu- to not do your laundry that week dents around the country start to and save yourself probably at least look forwan:l to usually right after $4 in quarters as well as some de- the first week of classes begin, and tergent. Another thing we can take want to foot the bill, all the: more turning to campus that Monday or that my friends, is FALL BREAK. advantage of is a trip with parenrs power co them! Tuesday, we have to remember that Though only two days, fall to Wal-Mart or the mall. Fall break Fall break gives students a the next thing we get to look for- break signifies a huge sigh of relief is the perfect time to restock on all time to relax, to catch up, to enjoy ward to is Thanksgiving, and who for many students. While some do the things you initially brought to some home-cooked meals, and ro doesn't look forward to a plate full choose to stay on campus for the school but have since ran our or re-stock! Although very few of us of cur key? break, the rest of us use those 48 used up. And hey, if your parenrs will actually look forward [Q re- The .L/CUH''"'~ Free Press ell ADv~ Editorial Staff Staff Writers Melanie Chupein ~K . f . 'd~ Co-Editor in Chief eepmg sa ety m nun Mike Habeger Co-Editor in Chief layout Editor Christina Hinkle is a safe. dose-knit community. The number of sexual assaults Web Editor Estefania Luraschi '09 other violent crimes reponed here are low. especially when compared Michelle Menner '09 to more urban areas or larger campuses. However, recent reports that Laura Hutton Dave Robertson '09 a sexual assault occurred off-campus this surnmer has opened many News Co-Editor Becky Snider '09 eyes to the Dct that McDaniel is not immune [0 such incidents. Per- Roxanne Fleischer '10 sonal safety should always be a concern. Geoff Pedham Juliann Guiffre '10 Statistically, students ar any college campu.~ are vulnerable to News Co-Editor Rachel Hooper '10 sexual assaulr. Keep this thought, as well as the following safety tips, Katelynn McGinley" 0 in mind: katie Young Ashleigh Smith '10 • Always use the buddy system! Donr attend parties alone, and Features Co-Editor Izzy Baer '11 always keep an eye out for the friends you came with. Be sure to leave Nick Bender '11 with rhem.roo. Cori Simpson Brandon Campbell '11 o Don't walk around campus or in town alone, especially ar night. Features Co-Editor Meg Christian '11 Campus Safety is always available for an escort. Program their num- Jeff Davis '1'1 ber (417-857M2202) in your cell phone for quick access. Stac::ey Eyler Matt Derenzo • Don't keep residence hall doors propped open, and always lock Opinion Co-Editor Jordan Doss '11 the door to your room. lake Friedman '11 Limit (he amount of information yon list on your Facebook 01 Christine Boynton Justin Harmon '11 MySpace pages. Don't put personal information on any sites, such as Opinion Co-Editor Ryan Hickey '11 your phone number, address. dorm, or blrrhday Megan Magee '1 1 If you choose to drink, do so responsibly and in moderation. Ryan Chell Anne Matthews Avoid binge drinking, drinking games, shots, and other high-risk Be sure that your friends do, too. types of drinking. Sports Editor Kurt Miller '11 Annie Myers '11 Don't ever leave your drink unattended. Only have drinks you Emily Biondo Sarah Peters '11 have poured yourself or those that are in factory-sealed bonles or Art Director Maggie Powell '1 1 cans. Susie Riddle Follow your instincts. If a situation feels bad, it probably is. Get Evan Tic::knor Cindy Sardo '11 out of it. Chief Photographer Melissa Steinberg '11 Remember that any lack of consent means there is NO consent. Paige Stewart '11 That includes someone who is unable to give their consent because Stephanie Gilberlz Kim Williams '11 they are intoxicated. Know that you have the right to set your sexual limits. Com- Copy Editor municate these limits to your panner. It's a good idea to know what you want and don't want before you end up alone with someone. The opinions expressed do ncr necessarily represent thO><' of the M'Danid Free The college has always been concerned about rhe issue of sexual Press $taff, or the &'cllity and "dministra[01'$ ofM'Danid ColJegt". assault on our campus. There are policies in place regarding this iSM The paper welcomes freelance ~lIbmissiolU via email 10 freepteSS@mcdanleLedu. sue, and they are listed in your McDaniel College Handbook. If you, lheeditors reserve the righl[Occ!itfo,darity:lfldlibel,andto publish~ubmissioosas or someone you know, are assaulted, seek support and consider the space permits. [>1= indude a name and pho~e number for verification. Names will be resources available. RAs and Peer Mentors, Student Affairs (x2244), withheidonlybythediscrctionoflheEdimr-in-Chief. Counseling Services (x.330S), Campus Safery (x2202), and Health The Mcljanlel Free Press does not discrimin~le based on age, race. rdigion, gender, sexualoriemadon.nariooalorigin,conditionofhandicap.ormaricalslallis. Services (x2243) are alJ available 011 campus (0 help. Off-campus lheM'DanieIFreel)ress resources, such as Carroll County Rape Crisis Intervention Services 2 College Hill (41 G-857-7322, 24-hourhorline), Carroll Hospital Center (410-848- W""minster,MD21157 3000), Carroll County Advocacy and Investigation Center (41 O~386- (410)751-8600 3640), and Westminster Police (410-848~4G46) are able to provide E--Mail:freepress@rncolanieLedu additional services and support.
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