Page 3 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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National hazing woes Schleunes --have- Been several deaths the age old custom of essoctated with excessive hazing. fraternity hazing comes to a halt The latest fatality occureo August on the Western Maryland campus 31 as a Delta Kappa Phi pledge for the 1980-1981year, one might died of hypothermia while per- ask the question: "What is hap- forming calisthentics at the pening on campuses outside University of Lowell in Westminster?" The answer may Massachusetts. besurprising Although not all hazing ends In Many college authorities admit tragedy by any means, many that the joining of fraternities and hazing episodes involve alcohol sororities is making a comeback One mother of a pledge fatality on campuses around the country remarked," ... when you are after a decade of disinterest. dealing with peer presure, secrecy College students of the late 1960's and alcohol abuse, you've got a and '70's were caught up in issues very dangerouscombination." Her of the day suchas the Vietnam War son died of alcohol poisoning and and Womens' Lib leaving little fluid in the lungs trying to consume time for such trtvcuttes as a pint of bourbon, a alx-pack of fraternities and sorcrtttes. beer and a fifth of wine while in a This is not to say that campus locked car trunk. officials are pleased with the With 'he large amount of medte I trend. In fact, eighf coverage that is directed towards states currently have anti-hazing these extreme hazing activities, legislation. Marylanc is not among many greek organizations (lIke them. Ma~nynational fraternities those at WMC) have been put on Cafeteria cracks -ecrcrtttes also ban hazing, but it 'he defensive. Future develop- occurs with frequency and mentswilldeterminehowfarthese still Helga Hein sometimes traqedy. trends go in changing the activities The dining hall has initiated a Mrs. MacDonald said that the hardship on the students, we'll Already this school year there of thesegroups. newsystem of checking student ID policy will benefit the students have to come up with some new Rock rolls muscles cards in an effort to prevent non- because non-boarding students Idea," says Mrs. MacDonald. boarding students from gaining who get free meals cause the However, she po1ntedout that its Terry Dom admittance to the cafeteria. The dining hall expense to increase. more of difficulty for those people The debilitating effects of rock music have beena subject of new policy entails matching the Ultimately, this increase is checking ./lumbers than for the scientific pursuit since our culture embraced this style of music. student 10 number to a master list reflected in higher prices for the student. Now, Dr. John Diamond, psychiatrist and president of 'he ln. of boarding student numbers. boarding students. Mrs. MacDonald concluded by ternational Academy of Preventive Medicine, sayshehas tested Mrs. Arlene MacDonald, when : asked about the saying that with rising food prices, 'he effects of various records on muscle strength. Director of Food Services, said procedure's efficiency, Mrs. "we have to watch everything we The scetnce is Behavorial Kinesiology; it studies the con- that the new procedure is an at- MacDonald stated that "each meal can, but we have tried not to sequenceof par+tcuter foods, clothes, thoughts and music on the tempt to eliminate frequent gets a little bit faster." Although eliminate any of the special strengthening or weakening effect on muscles. The normal problems experienced last year, lines are created outside the dining events" such as the Bull Roast pressure required to overpower a strong deJtod muscle (the such as students refusing to show hall, the lines inside the cafeteria (Saturday, September 20) and the shoulder muscle that serves to raise the arm laterally) on an 10cards and using invalid IDs. She have been shorter. Overall, buffets, etc. She also expressed a adult 40-45pounds.When rock music is played, only 10- pointed out that a large number of students have been very wish to meet with the SGA Food 15poundsis needed.The problem is far more serious than jus' a non-boarding students this year cooperative. For example, many Committee to discuss their ideas, weakening of a muscle, for every major muscle of the body still have the green (boarding) 10 of them know where their numbers and to bring about any feasible relates to an organ. All the organs In our bodyare being affected cards. Dean Mowbray clarified are on the list. The cafeteria staff' changesit feels are necessary by the music towhich weexposeourselves. this point, saying that non- appreciates this help as it speeds When asked about the new Diamond's theory on the phenomenon, suggests that the boarding students have been up the process. procedure, student Jeff Vinson listener subconsciouslycomes to a halt with the stoppedquality issued a red 10 card, and should Mrs. MacDonald also said that commented "I justthinkthatitisa of the beat at 'he end.ofeach measure. But, not all rock numbers have turned in their old cards. the number check may not con- waste of time and money to have have this effect, nor does a group necessarily have the effect However, approximately 150 ln. tinue at every meal throughout the two peole sit and check t.D.'s. You consistently. Groups and singers cited by Diamond that weaken valid green cards are still unac- year. Instead, occasional spot wait outside the door, you wait our muscles are the Doors, the Band, Janis Joplin, Queen, counted for as students claim they checks may be introduced. "It the inside the door. It makes no Bachman-Turner Overdrive and led Zeppelin. Rock and roll, have lost 'he cards. staff sees that it's creating a sense." country and western, jazz and classical styles of music do not have this effect. Jb;eWomenover~~rolled 3td year se~~~a:h~r:~~~~~ns;~~~: ~:a:~ co~~~;~e;;c:·nrollment for men Is ":~~:singca9:m:~,i,S ::,oc:d~;veer; re~~ee;~~isliving In the Inflrm~ry ~~e~t,i::st: ~":-::~:~:~ei~h~~;s~ been forced to endure temporary down, those In the annexes could e~ucate~ one based upon past claim that It has someadvantages, crete Greco, one of the Infirmary and sometimes inadequate living have been shifted around In order hl~or~:. i"1 especially the quiet factor. residents, asserts, "We should ,accomodafions. The late com. to give the womenregular housing. ra Itlona Iy~more women than However, there are also dtsed- have the perogatlve of staying pletion of the recently purchased But Dean laidlaw was very firm in me~ ap~ly to liberal art~ colleges vantages. Located across the here...sincethey've Isolated us." Pennsylvania Avenue housesled to the belief that it would not be fair natlo.nwlde,claims the Director of street from the cah,pus, longer sneer! McKinnon claims that the first year's inconvenience. for men to move out of spacesthat Admlsslo.ns. More women are walks are necessary. Being "we've developed a friendship ~ Freshman women were housed in are normally first, choice for up- enrolled In higher education than isolated is reportedly "scary" at within ourselves" and we don't storage and study rooms and perclassmen In roomdraw. There . m~n: (This "national pattern In night. Half of the keys do not fIt want to be separated. Amy Barnes double rooms became trfples are some empty spaces in Rouzer miniature" Is exemplified at Into the front door and one gIrl has agrees saying that they are "kind temporarily. and at least one empty room, yet i "(we) are kind of problemswlfhthekey to her room. of like rejects ...those people In the du:h~:~~:~a~I~~:r~t~,:e~%'d:~~ ~~:~u:~eou~~ud~~ ~c::~~~ ~~ like rejects ...those . Sh:~Vees,I~::la~~C~: a~~k~;:ra~~ ~~fi~;:;I~;;~:~:g:t;:~;~.troubre Affairs Office to accurately predict Dean Laidlaw. people in the in- spacesay the inhabitants. Curtains Although Dean Laidlaw claims :~:cne~~~:c~r:7:~la~~e ~~~:i:~: w~~:~ t~:!~I:~ ~~I~:es~~:~g~:~ firmar" ~~I::o;db~nhU;~efO~C:~o:;e an:; ~~::~~~ ~~~g:~~:~;!~:~t~fi~ht~~ Dean of Student Affairs, Elizabeth to regular rooms by the end of first WMC, states Mr. Bennett.) A extension rods will not fit the beginning of August, most of the Laidlaw, a low attri'ion rate, the semester as the normal attrition higher pi!J"centage df men, windows. During office hours they girls claim they had not known number of students not returning, process occurs. She sees the new however, are attending technical, must remain quite as do those until the middle of August. Amy has beenthe causeof their errors. Decker Center as a possible factor engineering and trade schools. living on third floor Elderdice. Barnesansweredthat she had only The college has a total capacity in the low attrition rate. Maybe More qualified women apply to Notes from the nurses are tacked been notlt1ed one week prior to of 1195 students, 634 spaces for that is helping to "provide a better WMC than men states Dean up everywhere. comingtoWMC. women, 561for men. By the end of socIal outlet" states the Associate Laidlaw. Electrical problems have been At present there are eight June, 3S females were Dean. Structural changes, Including common due to the overload of women on a waiting list which overenrolled. Now only ap- According to Leslie Bennett, additional walls, transformed the stereos and blowdryers. The Dean laidlaw is commited to proximately 13 or 14 are still in Director of AdmiSSions and Infirmary into a temporary living phones,they claim, are party lines housingby secondsemester. Those makeshift quarters. There are Financial Aid, a target number is unit. Dean Laidlaw was adamant making private calls Impossible. A girls in the Infirmary and currently two triple rooms, and provided by the Student Affairs that this would not be permanent kitchen is available but they are elsewherewere given tt\_eoption of ~::al~Ii:~~g~h:~!tO~dc~~~~~~gf~: ~a~~~e:~d h~~Sj:::~ ~~~:.ri~~~ ~:~~~~:PO~c:hi~~e~~e a;i~gfl~VS~~::;ui~t:fe;i~!.'~~~:~~~~ t~:~~r~~ :e~t!~rer.'~ut:~~~I!cl~n::~ second study rooms. Eight women are proximately two times as many All but one are good·slzed rooms. report tha' the nurses repeatedly In hopesof preventIng this from living In the Infii'"mary. Those in acceptances are sent out as Bathroom facilities are quite drop their Cigarette ashes into the happening in the future, closer triple rooms are receiving an available spaces to ensure full adequate for the small number of kitchen sink. attention will be paid to the target SBO.OOdiscount on the normal enrollment. This ratio, by the way. w.omen.Comfo.-table hospital beds Although there are drawbacks, number supplied by the Student $700.00 room charge for their in. is slightly hig·~er.,tor