Page 2 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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~~~~~~~~ Failures lead to a "get tough"hazing approach Now there is hazing, and there is hazing. It varies that these activities were not allowed. Despite having Was there any warning for the sororities? They were from "running around in Halloween costumes carrying the administrative basis (i.e. rules which can be found, cited for some dis.ciplinary violations during !ast year's stuffed animals" to having contests to see who can hit a among other places, in the charters of the various hell week acnvtues. But with this new policy, many brother the hardest with a wooden paddle. Since the fraternities) to crackdown on these activities, en- activities which have been practiced consistantly for administration has adopted the position that all hazing rorcement has been ineffective. years (without challenge from the administration) will activities should be banned, it is important to evaluate This is where the new policy will run into problems, now be unacceptable. Dean Mowbray may claim that he the origins and potential impacts of this policy in a more The administration feels that having this policy clearly has beeri working for years to eliminate all forms of detailed manner. stated will help to change the atmosphere surrounding hazing, but by his own admission, he never once of- The fraternities must bear a great deal of the both hazing and hell week in general. It may assure the ficially sat down with members of the. sororities ~o responsibility for the creation of this new policy. The alumni and the trustees to know that "Western discuss problems that the school was having with their administration has been frustrated by the failure of its Maryland College opposes hazing," but the fraternities hell week activities. previous efforts to have the frats end all forms of have known all along that paddling was not acceptable. The college has the right to control activities which physical hazing. Paddling, and other activities which The college has run into enforcement problems because are potentially dangerous or might interfere with could endanger (he personal safety of students, have it is very difficult to prove that these activities go on. academic responsibilities, It may also encourage occurred during "hell week" initiation ceremonies of the Students are reluctant to report (much less testify campus organizations to pursue more "constructive past several years. about) occurences dealing with this . In this programs," To varying degrees, all of the fraternities It is important to mention that the Phi Delta Theta and sororities need to work with the administration fraternity has already done away with most of its hazing towards the achievement of these goals. activities. Being a national fraternity, the Phi Delts It is difficult to rationally justify hazing activities. have a long list of regulations concerning what they can Many of the hazing practices followed by-WMC's Greek and cannot do during initiation ceremonies. They are organizations are harmless, foolish, fun and games. obvious examples that changes can be made in time (Even to the participants once they are over.) But this honored traditions without leading to the end of an in- does not mean that they should be banned overnight stnuuon. They do represent an important part of what being a Fraternity members can complain all they want about member ofa fraternity or sorority at WMC is all about. how these activities (including physical hazing, and we The new hazing policy is not the solution to the can define that as any hazing practices which might problems which the college comm,unity faces with th~s possibly harm the physical well being of a student> are issue. It may be "one solution, but It is one that is unfair necessary for the development of brotherhood. It is hard and potentially ineffective in many ways. ~s such, it to argue that going through hell week is not an ex- exemplifies an alarming trend in administrahon-student perience, and an achievement, that makes being a relations. member of a fraternity unique. But it is about time that Like its handling- of the open party controversy over some of the fraternities realized that the college has the the last two years, the administration, frustrat~d by its right, and the responsibility, to protect the personal inability to gain adherence 10 the rules by workmg with safety of every student on this campus. Regardless of students on an informal basis, has adopted an all en- whether or not a student "voluntarily" participates in compassing "get tough" position, Will this change in these activities or not, when there is even the remotest tactics be successful? The answer to this question f:~~~~~rht::~~rr;.~~~~~ t~e:~:~ could be endangered, practices. ~~:;nd~ :~ll ~~~babJ~s:~~i~~ s~~~i:~t ~f~~u:ipo~~~ Invariably, several students from WMC end up in the and smgmg In the middle of the Quad with your shorts understanding" with the Dean concerning ~hat types of hospital each year as a result of some form of hazing down. When the fraternities start complaining that the hazing activities are acceptable. Th~ offic,lal rules will activity. Fortunately, most of these cases have been of administration is hassling them for harmeless little remain unchanged, Since the real pclicy'willlie clouded the "pump his stomach and send him home to sleep it stunts, they should realize that they have brought it upon somewhere between the lines of the official regulations, off" variety. As an institution, the college might find themselves. in the eyes of many students, enforcement will seem itself in court facing serious charges if one of these in- But the strongest immediate impact of the new policy arbitrary and unfair. These feelings will further erode cidents ever leads to a debilitating injury. The college is will be felt by the sororities, many of whose activities the student body's respect for the college's rules and not only protectPng the students, it is protecting itself. co~sist of running around in :'apparel which" is c~n- regulations. The controversy surrounding this issue may In regard to physical hazing, the new hazing policy is SPICUOUS and not normally In good taste, while settle down but the impressions left in its wake may not at all new. The administration has stated for years · engaging in "buffoonery." form the basis fodutureproblems h Ed itor Lerter to t e Election '80: the candidates. the issues ... he troops, gover.nment thinks liz stegenthaler Who will you cast your vote for t~~~;~~~,tl~~r~~g~yd:~f~_ It sure isn't Mom's ~~u~o:~~~t~;hin;~:~c:~c~~o: ~I:n~~o:. his prcqram . which is now should make a career In the'S~:~la~::;t~:~ port Dear Editor, meals our cafeteria is capable of. :il~g~~r!Su~:a~~e P~::i~~~~tlh:~gn~ ~~; ~:~aftor~~~~t:~.a~el~e~:~:a~ai~ ~~~Iie~~~~dra~~:~~;:e ~e~~i~:, ~~~ reTe~:nc:tu~:n~he h~~~:t:~~ f;~~ ~::. s~~::~b::r;;_r:~ ~~a~~o~:~~ dldates oppose a peace-time draft, is time to beef up military man- forces, their feelings do contrast aboul power, and this isa necessary step REAGAN: states "11 may not be Mom's you can catch more flies with compulsary registration. Here are toward the rebuilding of American Republican Ronald. Re~ga~, cooking ... " and it is my conclusion sugar than you can with vinegar-or the candidates' basic standpoints: strength, former governor of Cenrornta. IS that they are absolutely correct. In can you? Sincerely, CARTER: ANDERSON: against peece.ttme military my three years at WMC I have B Tim Streett h President b Jimm Carter has no Independent candidate John registration. Rather than calling seen everything from hair in the oxer sort rie-ls Anderson firmly opposes the retn- for a draft, Reagan wants to build applesauce to mice scurrying stitution of any peace-time draft. uptheexlstingforces,especiallyin :J. ~~~;~~,~hi~ !;~~ya~~:a!~O:: to~:~ Jay Holtzman ~:o~~:IS t~a~~~~::u~~:i~ u~at:e:~: :~~r:ae::~and;f~~S:re:~e~~j~;VO;~ a cockroach trying to wiggle free I'm Jay Holtzman and I'll be writing a semi_regular semi- without government Interference. insure that America's armed from the peanut butter. I am not column for the Scrimshaw, called "Boxer Short Briefs." If you Instead of re isterin ros ective forces are "number one." :~c~~~~eadn~O~e:i~~tth::~i~:r~~~ ~:~~st:oh~~~~e~~II~::~fm:~h:~~~ing, make gestures with your .••••.••••. _ ..... ,., Bill Byrne pleasure in knowing that they During my four years on campus, I have often complained Managing Editor. _ , ... , .. , . , • , • , .•. Sue Frost crawl around my food. that WMC Is not "bohemian" enough for my tastes. And while I News Editor ••..... , •• '; • , ••.•.•. Keith Arnold A recently implemented ad- still love this place, I realize that it is becoming even less so. Sports Editor •• , •••••.••••. _, Merideth Rankin :i~i~~~~~~efo:~t~:~~ t~u:~!~: ~:~~~.I~,!he Scrimshaw editor asked me "what does bohemian Feature Editor, ••• , _ • , _ , .. , . , •••. Robert Holt important than cleaning the place Cappuchino Is boherntan . the coffee In the dining hall is not. Science Editor •• - .. - ... , .• , •.•••. _ Terry Dom up. According to the student "No Nukes" isa bohemian idea· "Nuke Iran" is not, Photography EditQ1', ••••• ,.,.,., Adam Wright handbook food is to be served St. Paul Street is bohemian. The Inner Harbor is not Advisor, ••••••.••••••••. _,.,. Dave Cleveland "cafeteria style in two lines." They doTn~~.giriS at Johns Hopkins look bohemian· the girls at WMC Ad Manager. , , •••••.•••....••• Sherri Linkoff fail to mention that as a result of Donovan is bohemian . Van Halen is not. Ad Layout, ••••••• , _ •. _, .••• , •• Janet Trainor ~~:c~~~aT.~~:n!~ei~~~:i:i:;aC:' :~ Becoming "brothers and sisters" is bohemian. fellowship is Layout .••.•••••••• _ Mimi Griffin, Karen Street the Forum. Two people are now not. Typist. _ .••. : __ . , .•••••••••.•. _ • Mimi Griffin required to sit at the door Instead The Grill was bohemian - The Forum Is nol. Distribution Manager ••.•.•. __ , •••• Les Martin of the customary one. Meanwhile T·shirfs with peace signs are bohemian· "Where the Hell is Scrimsl\aw is a student newspaper published by the Ihe bugs probably eat more food Westminster Maryland?" Is not. students of Western Maryland College. The editoriatS"' are than those who would sneak in. I Getting stoned is bohemian· Getting f-·-ed up is not. the opinion of tM editor. All other opinion is the opinion of ~:~ ~:~~;~~::h;to:U~~ai~dail~ tl~:~; d!~~:..ender looks bohemian - Herb Smith with a mousfache the writer alone, wisdom, not find a quicker more Patched up ieans are bohemian - running shorts are not. Scrimsl\aw welcomes and encourages diverse opinions, and efficient means of admission to the Ray Charles is bohemian - Parliament/Funkadelic is nol. provides room for opposing viewpoints. If you desire to be dining area? Hippiesare bohemian· preppies or Trekkies are not. published, or wish to communicate in any other fashion, It would please me to no end to And in it's own way the Preacher Section was bohemian please address material to Scrimshaw, Box 1, Western be able to wrtte of the wonderful living in Rouzer is.not, Maryland College, Westminster 21157.
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