Page 15 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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October 2, 1980 Scrimshaw page 5 "Chas' earns Doctorate Cafeteria party damages Allegations of vandalism liz Siegenthaler work, and passed his preliminary phenomenon," said Neal. He feels Andi Yob have party in exchange for overnight examinations. that it requires tremendous self. stirred controversy in the wake of lodgings In the Phi Delt fraternity Western Maryland College can But before he would receive his motivation; even more than what the Friday, September 19 band section. now a~d a new name to its already doctorate degree, Neal had one it takes to acquire a law degree. He party in the ceteterte. Sponsored It Is not known when the actual long list o~ professors who have last obstacle to overcome: the pointed out that the biggest by the Phi Delta fraternity and damage was done, however, ap- ~arned their doctorates. The ~an writing of a dissertation. Neal problem prospective doctorates originally scheduled to take place parent traces of the vandals were IS Dr. Charles Neal of the Political worked tuu.trme on his thesis for a candidates have is that they In their clubroom, the party was left. The actual disruption Included ScienceDepartme~t. year-and-a-half, and then part slm'ply never finish writIng their moved to the cafeteria at the last the pouring of dirty water Into the Dr. Neal, originally from time while teaching at Western dissertations. minute. The switch in plans was salad bins and an unsuccessful Chicago, received his B.A. from Maryland College. His dissertation When asked how it feels to be a attributed to the unexpected attempt to gain access to the Ice- Luther College in Iowa, where he is a lengthy 643 pages titled, doctor, Neal modestly replied, "It arrival of the band which was to cream freezer. ,:.p_' ...y .;."';_;;;'h;;.'---------..J majored In political science and "Compliance and the State doesn't feel any different. It's play at the Bull Roast the next day. Ms. Arlene MacDonald, the chemistry. He then continued his Legislature: An Empirical much less exciting than you'd The band, at the approval of Dean Director of Food Service, wit ~~~~:sr~nI~~=r:t:te'i~nd $~Iii~~~a~ ~~~~~~~Ii~fS~:~!oinn fl~~o~~da~~ think." ._M_o_wb_,...;"y_, _";..,_,,,,_,_o Science. Minnesota." Then Dr. Neal, or "Chas" as he Neal had to travel to Minneapolis Is sometimes called, enrolled in last September 16,for his final oral graduate school at the University examination. He returned to of Minnesota. He attended Westminster with a Ph.D. seminars, did all required course "Getting a Ph.D. Is a strange y..,o CClf4ditl,e9 Homecoming past... Andi Yob ...crowds of alumni circle Hoffa field watching, with anticipation, The tradition of Homecoming the Homecoming game and year after year is the rigorous cheering on their football team. lor • celebration, the pomp, the Freshmen win the tuq.ot.war and pageantry and the, fun. The lose the privllage of wearing rat CJt potlderosCl festivities were sometimes wild, caps, Queen Debbie Meyls sometimes beautiful and range far receives star billing of the day and back into the archives of time ... her attendants radiate the charm ...half time during the annual ad poiseof any court...before 1953. Sept. 11thru football game, Queen Gladys ...the talent show, the bonfire, Sause and her court, escorted by the "Oktoberfest," the tootball oct 8 R.O.T.e. officers, marched down game shut out at 35·0,the crowning the field, reigned over the ec- of Queen, Sue Sullivan and this tivities of the afternoon and led the time ot the King, Jack KendaL.the gala Homecoming Dance in the Homecoming 1978. evenlnq-fhe festivities of the first ...the apcctnted Queen, Colleen Homecoming celebration--1948. Kelly, the chosen King, Regan ...the Royal Reception, the tug- Smith, the promise of things tc of-war between classes, the origin come, the excitement of an un- of the Green Terror, the parade played football game, prospect of down main street and alas, the celebration ...the anticipation of victory dance ot 1950. Homecoming 1980. 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