Page 1 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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. Volume VI, Number 1 Friday, September 16, 1977 SGA Announces Openings Dining this procedure, we will be Denise Giangola Porch represented by efficient and This year , that the WMC dedicated students who really Community can be assured of want to participate in an active Delays responsible and effective student and enjoyable school year. Printed . government, elections for housing below are the sections of the SGA Nancy Menefee 'mit representatives to the SGA Constitution, Student Handbook, This past week stuoents retur- .nd Housing and Conduct Council and Representative Requirements ning from vacation may have at vill be held in a consistent and for the SGA and the Housing and one time or another undergone the ~formed fashion on Sunday, Conduct Council. Please read them "12: 30 Tuesday Experience." They september 18 in your respective for your own information and housing units. Hopefully, through benefit. found themselves standing in the middle of the cafeteria with a laden Student Handbook Definition tray, unable to find a place to sit. A random question occurs: What Conduct Council which is primarily Student Government Association happened to the dining porch and the booths? This group is the central ccor- concerned with living conditions in dining porch . no matter how you look at it, its still di:~ ~i:~~~~~~~fi:~ dinating body which serves to the student residence areas. :c~~;I:tfe.the promote the general welfare of the The Executive Council consists student body. It expresses student of a president, Vice-president, at this time. However, there were voice in the affairs of the college. It recording secretary, correspon- Do You Have What it Takes? :~"';,,:~""=,-::::YS.,t;: is responsible for governing ding secretary, treasurer, and the student affairs, it may bring its chairpersons of the action, RequirementsforSGA FinanceCommittee-Tim underw~y, and consequently they influence to bear upon disciplinary publicity, elections, and social Representatives and Alternates S han k, C h air per son are behmd scheduJe. Hopefully the committees. problems, upon social functions, 1. Attendance at all meetings by ... prepares the SGA Budget, steel ,,:ork fo~ ~e roof of the dining and upon other matters of concern The Senate has as voting the representative (or alternate) is subject to Senate approval. hall Will be brushed by today, and to students .. members the class presidents, one mandatory. The SGA will be Publicity Committee _ the~ the ~fers can come in and from each floor of The Student Government representative dormitories, and at meeting biweekly, Monday nights Barb Llewelyn, Karen begin their wor~. the women's Association has as its members all at 8:00 pm in Rouzer Lounge. Lowry, Chairpersons One of the major dela~s was the of the students who are enrolled in least one representative from each 2. A representative must serve ...through various and in- need to move a gas line. Many the college. The governing body of the designated housing for units, (actively participate) on at least teresting media publcizes all IrOble~S t were Ct= b&n the com- and representatives consists of three main divisions: muting students. The non-voting the Executive Council which members are the rest of the ~t!:the SGA Standing Com- S~~~~~~ittee _ Linda ~ecth~~: s~~:ng buil~~~.t;~ guides the ASSOCiation, the Senate Action Committee-Alice Thomas, Chairperson ~~~~n:'-0rediffiC~lt.tobetn~an which considers and coordinates student body. activities of the entire college Pas c a I , C h air . ~;~~:;Jz~i~ll ev~:~a~~: s~:tedi~~~t:e~t IS to ~Wld a community, and the Housing and ~:~~:. ~~k~: r..~~:'::'~I~~:i~~~yWhic~ eluding: choice of bands for Mother .Nature als~ decided to A Letter Treas. TimShank investigates, and implements ~t~~ran:on?:;~:' c~~::: ~:~ti~nli!~~eJ:.W! e~~~:i makes stormon.August21~kedoutthe movies, etc. proposals, Rec.Secty. Barb Cole From the Top ~~~~~y. Den~~i;:~~~ :~~!~~with Senate ap- 3. The representative (or ~;:rr, ~~d ~~~~~IHa~.u~ Dear P~ns; ~::~~~g~..Ri~!,::: Ri~~ecti~~e;::~it~~ai; ~:i:t~us~:eopor~t~~:~ ~:: :;::~~c~;e~~: ~~~;ryone, J~~~~~r~kfr;o~ ~~~ ~~~~o~ Publicity BarbLleWelyn,~ren person ... conducts all constituents after the SGA But there are some signs of what is going on. A group of Social Co. Linda ThOl;~~ ~~~C:lecbti~lns according meetings to relay the proceedings. p-ogresst As this story goes to students, faculty, and ad- yaws. 4. The representative (and print the electricians are in mi . t t h t I f alternate) must have and maintain Rouzer; and by the time this story w:~s~~~~ a~es::r~n~~~P~eAII Can Read th'e SGAConstitution aWMCcumulativeGPAofatleast ccmes cut.jtoueer wnl heve e new coming year. Come to us with any 1.0. laundry room. problems and suggestions. We ARTICLE VII Senate shall consist of a simple If you have already been elected The construction workers do have the answers, or we will know majority of the voting members of to .the position of SGA represen- have' one thing going for them; where to pass the buck. This WILL THE SENATE the Senate. teuve or alternate for the year 76- good taste. Certain beams visible be a good year at WMC. SECTION 1. The voting members SECTION 4. The Senate shall 77 and find that you cannot meet from the sidewalk bear, in chalk, Love from your concerned of the Senate shall be: . function as the legislative body of these requirements, please call the the following inscriptions: "WMC Students, Faculty and a. the Association. SGA office (ext. 384). Women are O. K. - Ironworkers Administrators: CounCil of the AssOCiation. The Senate shall have the AIISGA meetings are open to the Local No. 16, WMC Women are No. b. One of the elected officers responsibility to take whatever entire WMC Student Body-we 1 - Local 16. Poopy PauJ from each class. action is necessary to insure and encourage your participation, It's too bad the male WMC Generous George Fantastic Phil ho~s~~t~rae;:~~~r:C/[;~e~~~ :-~~~ a~: ~:"~~~re=ll~~{~: ~:~ration, and support, Thank ~~n~o.a~:. not as observant as Wayward Wray o Boisterous Barb laws. student body. CO".TRUCno c[uo:~~,~.:,:::,"o.o:~ -, ~o~,". Creative Craig d. .At-large members as b. The Senate shall detennine s::::.~""."'_ .,."....,""...._ .........' Brave Barb specified in the By·la,:",s. whether or not the general welfare .. TIIIFIS MOQf .s.VIH-LE Anxious Alice SECTION 2. The non·votmg of the student body as a whole is L_::__ Dynamic Dave members of the Senate shall be all affected. . .r Bumbling Barb rema!ni!lg members of the SECTION 5. The Senate shall ap- Jolly Jeff Association. prove the budget of the Dr. Stinky John SECTION 3. A quorum of the Association .. 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