Page 34 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 34
6 The Gold Bug, Dec. 17, 1964 Argonauts-Recognition or Action Letter To The Editor Curtain Up Faculty Proposal Initiates Introspection Alumnus Comments ~~f'~:l~.p-bump than at a cas- Cil~~~~U~~:~:o::~e~e:~/~~~:~=~O'~~;o~X:~e~~~~ra:C~~~~i:~~~~~he~~:tlo~~ Slop e ch;e~s~~~l~~:~f aa:~fng;e~~~It's Utterly Absurd eors in the college catalogue for vironment beyond the textbook." You are doing a great job on physical plant, for the ump- .~:,. years-that they might give the This fall the Argonauts ar- the Gold Bug which I get here teenth time, for safety bandralls . word to those who follow; it's ranged for a group of Russian in the mountains second hand. along the walkway. ' strange that the snap dub on agriculturists to visit the cam- WMC is not alone in its strug- Admittedly, this is not thJ . campus should go uncircled in pus for an informal discussion gle against winter's snow (and only location which could !},akJ by Tom: lIfwhaels new theatre, with an old con- the student handbook." with students. Their fall pro- stubborn administration). good use of the safety devices; Last time I mentioned in this cept. I urge any and all of you This comment of Mr. William gram also included a lecturer Perhaps you would like this but it would be a good:st;a.rting column that I was coming up ~ try and see at least one work Tribby's made in a recent speech who explainedand showed slides article as a "guest editorial." point. for 11 series of such rn-' with a short article on The In this dramatic-philosophical might refer to anyone of a of the Gemini space project, Maybe you could show it around stallations.· t Theatre of the Absurd. This is form, and I would start with number of organizations on which will send two men into to "fan the fire"-so to speak. Wet leaves (or even a good' it! I've entitled this article as Edward Albee's "Zoo Story" campus. Surprisingly though, space. Bobbi believes that en- Best regards, hard rain) createta slippery it stands above because that is which is playing at the Cherry Mr. Tribby said this at the Ar_ couraging and recognizing those Tom Magruder hazard on the seven sloping! the. typical public reaction to Lane Theatre in New York. rno;a~: i~~;ia!~~~e::d w;~O~;a~f ~~Ioi:St~et~~n a~~~~~!~ ~~t;~~Bumps Bruises :~~~e :e~~hin~e~a:~;.in~h~~n!~: ~~: o~~:::~din~o;:~~a~~ ~~~~v:~~ne~o~e~r, ~~a;v~ssou:~~:~~r~u~~~ ~~~~::~~~~y superior students ~fr:~~;~~~~tl~c~~d~el~l~:d~~ro~~ , Bott~~llS Up :r s;:~~ i:~~r1n~ :~r:t~~~:~~; ~~:l p~~l~e r:afcti~~ea~o';~~e~~~ !~~~~em;:e!O~e~l~ ~~b~~~~!:l~~ He went on to say that of the purpose." Let s face It. Most. students snow will only add insult to in-' The public equates the meaning prejudice. Therefore, I shall say three stated purposes of the Ar- Two special programs in ad. and faculty m.embers Simply are jury, literally. of absurd with that which con- that all Christmas programs gonauts, "1) to promote scholar-; dition to the annual tea ban, no! .blessed with mountain goat A Da.ily Athcnae~i?n, edito.ri~l' fiicts with what they havetaken are rare, WMC's not being- in ship on the Hill, 2) to recognize quet and presentation of' scho; ag~lty. d h last year sought i~stallation of! "to be rational. In other words the exception. In all fairness to those.who attain high ~cholastic lastlc cups to the sorority and timi~r bOlt ey p~s~~s p~rf~ct a permanent handrail.;· pedple do .not live in ash cafols:~fiss ~mith who did a wonderful standIng, and 3) to bring about fraternity with the highest aca_ k t. g, ~.~nce, 0 YIp-PICIce ltd th t n\)r"do maids play games while Job with her actors and actresses a fellowship of the scholars of demic averages completes the s ;~ng s \.;'.. t was even sugdgese .~ a their mistress is away nor as usual, and to Mr. Tribby the various departments," only tentative agenda for this year I . e qU\1 'y~ng t~me fOl~the ~~mpo~a/y f woo den t ral Illf' would anyone maintain a b~othel whose set was another marvel_ ~~~u~~condwas fulfilled by the . ;r~~ng\Voo;~~rn' ~Z~~Vaayw~ tr~~t1ve,a~~U~~mb:~J~t~l~e~r:Ol~·i~a~rot~~;~t~o~~;:.S s~~lst~~~h~~ ~v~s~rw~~b;i;;ac~VeO~~~y~h:r:~a; :n~b~Yfo:me~r~~:!!auOt: Price Comments Y W:~ ~l~,::st~~~e~m~~!~.CI~~~v~vae~,~~i:~~nth~~ratlOn of the. snow 1 ~:t~~~it:bsu~~,t f~tr i:he~~\::~d ~~~v:~~;~/~~~g;~~: ;ho~~d:~:,t;~ claimed that the same apathy. IS conSiderably faster at a shde However, i.t woul~ appear to, not have been any reaction from :!'ou saw faithfully executed existed when he was a member (Continued from page 3) _ be mor~ s.enslb.leto Illstall stee~ the public at all jf the play did Sunday afternoon .. Fear' not, as does now. But, he said, "Yet failed ones can try again, and E' . . hand~alls, whIch ~ould b.e. ~ not conflict with their concept WMC, the Dramatic Arts de- this group could justify its pres_ again, and again, etc. Eventu· T~?n~mI~S a~d POht~cs ndeaJ';lY.functIonally attractIVe addltI0Ilj of rationality. This is just the partment is still good, but some_ ence together and its future if ally they may hit the right set IS I~t t~t.lOn 7a~. oun ~ 1by to the face of the campus. j point that the absurdist wishes times you have cause to wonder. it dares, beginning now to of questions for which they an fOU an In: ~.I~n sc 0 ar, To name a few of the pass! to make there ean be no ration_ Go forth into the Holidays un. search for a solution to the ab- memorized answers. The whole broKes~rkhaf p08~~cal leader, ageways vulnerable to bruisable' al world except that which we bound from worry and prejudice, sence of the only thing which operation is an incredible waste h' . of ahe (1 -1915). It derrieres: I wish to agree to, and in our ra_ my readers, next year I will v:iU make us de~erve a justifica_ of resources. . . s;:cf~~z~d \i~r!~~e:l~~h~~~n~~~ . Steps in fr.on~ of the Admini ~ional ~vorld we defy that which have a whole new slate of plays tlOn for gathering and deserve Usually the BA IS acqmred ics and politics in India, thanks IstratIon BUl.l~lng and ReY.ll.JIS ratIOnale _ promoting (i.e., for you to ,read a.bout. Remem_ ~~~~:~; t~f g~i~O~~~~:~::; ~th~9d~:f:es:: eang~rt~~e;o~~~~~ ~ pa~t tt;ogran~h~ro~ t~7t ~?rd ~~~:d~~llth:a:~~~~ ~~u~~eb:~;sl ~~~oo~~~e;~~oe~:)~OOkS,church, ~~~g~r~~hdt~1~:~1~~0;;w C;~;k. a ideas." ment administrative service- g;:;ts ;~n. r u h P~ ln~/.u iO~ as they are on the stairway be-j Suppose for one second, how_ Remember, too, drama as we Mr. Tribby sees the possible the really prestigious jobs-will ity, th~ M 1 ;ndPh~~. ~l::~~_ tween these two buildings; : ever, that someone were unable kno;v it today .began at religious ~u:~r'~w!~!o:~u~n, ~~ ~~tiC~~: f;~b~1. gOB~~Ot~~rep~;:::s f~~ ~~~e~oard~n~tae;;~~~thaab~~nl~~ H~~e§:u~~a~~~e ~roor~e:;:~n:i~~i ~ooo~\~::~ t~:t t~:t:~~ia~tz~~i~~ ~~;~:kls~ le~~:,ve carefully and ~mblazoned a. 2.2, or 2.3, or 3.0; much the same as for the B;\. faculty several of India's out- Street and Malden. Lane--a process taught him .that there ~~:t::~f~:cel:t ~~eni;c~~C:e:~~ !;e~:e;~~a~~, p:~~rs't~:reth~~~i ;~a~~i~~IU::::;r~'d_;~~~o~~s:~ da~~~~;:~:lor::~li~gSI~d: :~~ps ~:I~:~l~ :~~ua~~.sS;~~~~:~~~h~~~Japanese Santa ana!y~es them, goes. to concerts, agam be the final (extern~l) are given. Yet the evil influ- leading from Woodburn Hall to same hme,.that thiS person was . exhibits, plays, and IS able to re- ex: am af~r two years, which ence of the external exam sys- Armstro:lg Hall and BrOoks, somehow Incomplete, that he (Continued from page 7) late these to his o'";n work; .he WIll be faded by more than ha.lf tern is quite in evidence. Pro- Hall. could not ?ommnnicate his life Santas-who are usually uni- has a ~ealth~ .and mfor~ed !n. of. the students who ta~e. It. fessors who voluntarily offer In fact, all walkways of po- to the Universe nor .accept a versity students:-:-make do.with- !~r::~c~~. ~~lt~~:;:~h=~:~i~tI:l~ ~h:::al :;:el~;:::l ~Ch;~~a ~~:~ri:i~e t~r r;~t;r;:.!~e~~"w~~ ;~~ti::o~~~:e:U~fe;:e~sesho:ui1eb: ~~:~y\~~~~:rh~: ~::;;:~~ w~eai ~~:st t~est!~~dl~~~alcon';~~~~~ of these, he owes It to hImself which have produced many out- shows up and that it is the rare equipped with railings on both He coul~ resemble Sisyphus of With the Tokyo v~rslOn of Santa, and to those who know less and standing intellectual and politi- student who will ask a question ~ides of the passage. the ancient Greek JT,Iyth who wo~ld. d~lefully co~clude that more than. he to approach the cal leaders. We are living in or volunteer information in There are other trouble spots. pus?ed a stone up a. hill o~ly to thelr Jovlal pa~~op: had fallen ~n,~~~~~a~d~~~noi:~~~·that.this !,;::s:'w~~~ ho;s :~~~eg ~i~~~; cla~~~h is the educational sys- br~~!dt~~~: ~~haf~et~r~ ~1:~!~~~~:r~~i;~W~t,~g~il~icuT:~~~~ uPo;::I~ed~~~~ng~;~tmas IS what It .IS to have been lIber· of intellectual activity. It has tem in India. If you ask, "~ut .fall if protective measures are say. Not all.all! We do It every In another respect, Japanese ally, and hberatedly, educate~- prided itself on its indigenous doesn't such economic if.1effi.:;ien-not taken by the physical plant cay 0: o~; hv~~. Only ~hen we San~9 are ol"igi.nal. _They don't that no cult.ure can. ~urv~ve pioneering in education. It had cy and waste in educatIon slow to insure safety of cross-campus quest!on Why .do.our hves lose vamsh on the mormng of De- t h r 0 ugh high speclalizatl.on the first Indian-inspired and In- down the over-all rate of e~o. tra.velers. "_leamng ~nd gam It at t~e same cember 26th. In fae!, they alone; thattheremustbe.a~la- dian privately.financed college-- nomic growth?" my answer IS, It would be absurd to say rail- time. Reject a useless hfe y_ou often can be f~und In and logue betwe~n the speCIalists, Fergusson College, established "It certainly does. Bu! this is ings arc not needed. And it say, the.n fhoo~e. the A~su~dlst around To~yo nght through betwee.n th~ Ideas, and the men in 1880. I am .engaged in re- only one aspect of a senous dis- ,would be even worse to delay ,llternatlve, SUICide. ThIS IS a New Year s. who give .blrth to a~d search on Indian planning prob- ease afflicting the socia-economic action any longer. ate these Ideas. And If thiS Isn.t lems at the Gokhale Institute of process in India." Reprinted From: begun and encouraged here, It Daily Athenaeum may never live again." ---------~ West Virginia Univei'sity He sees the Argonauts as Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1964 people who "will dare to excel, daring to believe in themselves LECKRON as a special breed-not an ego- GULF SERVICE Clothes Flower Fresh tistica:I one, but one which rec· ~i~~iZ::c~~~g:al~:e~!n~h~tt~::~ W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. at the ·himself and the man or woman Westminster, Md. ~~~ ~iit;.~:~d:~~nf!;~;:r °i~ ~~~ TI 8·6929 TJ 8-9876 MODERN IDEAL fu~:e~~ggests colloquiums, dia. Road logues, about current and perti_ EAUNDRY nent happenings in ever phase Service discussions to keep alive "an ac- '-::=======~=========:II of life, lecture and programs, r tively informed mind." This year, the Argonauts un· der the auspices of president WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE??? W1:.5tERN MOtORS Authorized dealer in IMPERIAL Pause. Have a Coke. Season's Gree,tings Coca-Cola -with a lively lift CHRYSLER from and never too sweet, refreshes best. PLYMOUTH things go KELLY'S VALIANT STATIONERY b~~th STORE CQ~e Hallmark Novelty 279 E. Main St. Calendars Westminster_, Md. 848-4141 THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE In response to your requests, \Vinslow Student Center the Bookstore is staying open until 2 pm on Saturday, Dec. 19th
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