Page 33 - TheGoldBug1964-65
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The Gold Bug. Dec. 17, 1964 5 -News Of The Week In Brief~ Letters To The Editor High On Hill Students Conduct Annual is purchased before the Christ- S· P hk Little Symphony Concert mas vacation. te;n;0~-~925_30, WMC was fifth enlors-- etse e, Arendt Center The Western Maryland Col- in the nation in percentage scor- ~e;:u~r~~~~!rr~ :~UJ~~~:er~t ~~ Greek Organizations ~~h,t~~i~inlou~~~~e~=fifO~it:: Activities Around MaJ·or F·lelds 1965 at 11 :30 am in Alumni Spread Christmas Cheer I I'k ff Hall. The Orchestra will be This year as in the past, wou d a In~':: ~ol~~~ S~ggt~S; Pe~nn1~~~ie'~!f~o~~~g~avy and Catherine Arendt active member in Tri-Beta, under the direction of the stu- fraternities and sororities this time, the Dick Cline Secretary of the the National Biological honor- dent conductors of the thirty- WMC are helping needy the faculty, Cathy Arendt, is a ary society, and is currently "flrst conducting class, Nancy lies at Christmas~ ap'at~:~i~aIl~~! "Fill- in Dances" ~~~;i~~~ec,~~:rss~ president of the Women's Ath- letic Association which she ~!n~e~;: Jao::n~l~r:;t3~~di~~~: ~~~s~o~~~~te i~~ple . about the student To the Editor: served as manager in her junior Among the selections to be these gifta, school, or its future. I would like to take this year. A veteran participant in heard- are: "Glory and Honor," The Delts will contribute Maryland Col- portunity to thank all of the Intramural program, Ba!'b by Rachmaninoff; "The King's toys and money to a family' its 100th year Freshmen and all of the has played varsity hockey in Ballet," a spirited dance by Co- Westminster, while Alpha Gam- of higher learn- & Whit,es who helped make the the past two years. In the field perin; Purcell's "Rondo" from rna Tau, Delta Pi Alpha, and no time to be dis- Christmas Dance of 1964 a very of education, Barb is a four (the play "Abdeleear"; and the Iota Gamma Chi are giving in the college. From pleasant affair. Although none year SNEA member. final number,. "Tango De La Christmas baskets to various past, perhaps more interest of the other fraternities on the That is 'not to say that she Luna" by Secunda. homes in the community. be generated for the present Hill were able to locate the ex- has not extended her activities The Phi Alphs and their the future. From old cata- orbitant figure of 10% of their beyond her major fields. The ALOHA Sale -Opens; Gamma Bete brothers celebrat- logues, yearbooks, the Black mId members who would show their exceptional leadership ability, tact, and efficiency that Barb Buy Now-Pay Later :~ ~ph~~!~:l~ ~~~ t~eo:r~~~n!~ ~~lid~ld~I~;~~h~f".i;::I~,;i:;::~~~e:::\~~o;~:!h~~ !~r:n~:n~~~ has displayed in her four years . The Sixty-five Alohal began a a party, entertaining with hlS~l"les o.f huildinga, and m- I do want to give them my as class vice-president were put concentrated sales campaign Chrismas carols and small t~rvlews with faculty and alu~- whole-hearted thanks for their to special use as she had to as- Wednesday, December 16, dur- The Sigmas and the m, w 7 can le~rn .t~e often m- moral support. And just so that sume the position of class presi- ing lunch with an announcement and Whites sponsored' a teresting and mapn-mg facts of everyone is at peace . dent in her freshman and soph- by Ralph Smith, sales manager. at the Methodist Church our past. Iconscience, I want years. A three year SGA Subscriptions to the yearbook cember- 17. Children of From Our Past ... Memorabilia that despite all Barb also served on are available at either end of familie~ were given gifts When Dr. John D. Makosky, the above-mentioned Council and represent- the dining hall before and after entertained. of Faculty, attended West- ganza was a lunch and dinner and i~ the • • • ern Maryland College as a stu. Since in the future ~ol~~: as:~e~~:s:s'inRa6phS~~t~~~ Students May Entertain ~::~ ~;~I~~.B. Schofield was ~~;~~ti~~n~~~e~~fehave. -~acLea an~ in the Art Hou~e; In NY Pavilion At Fair Western Maryland was the before school starts, Johl)- Bae; IS the repr;sentatI;e The New York State first coeducational college south r.void conflict with qf A S~ctlon;_Ed ~chemfeld _WIllof the World's Fair is . the Mason-Dixon line. pus-Involving sell the yea-.:.ook.m. B: Section; college groups of which do br~eerC~m~~~~~l~nIS~n sss ~;rf~~~r~~w~~~uring tbe anDh~;~~!ryM~~~~~~~ :e~~I~nl~k~i~:r~~~gf:srtt'~h':':~;~::;~I~1::1:~t' In. AlI;l!::rt,Norman Ward the 1965 season (April 21-0ctober Western Maryland Col- community to consider. sales repre~eptatj,:,es are Mark 17). Organizations such as is, do away with) the Ka.ppelman, .SectlOn 1; Re;c: drum and bugle corps, drill and Valentine fill-in Walker, Se.ctIon 2; To_m MI- teams, choirs, -' folk singing Blanche Mc- thaels, Se.ctlon a; and Blll C~r- groups, glee clubs, and instru- on the ler, SectIon 4. Nancy Whit- mental combos wishing to per- broadcasted the worth is in cha~ge of the cam- form should contact the Direc- Western Marvland paign in t~e girls' dorms: the tor of Special Events, New a radio statidn in :!~e::~eta~~:;. b~haenc~s~ooo:t~~ ~o~~d's S~:~r, f;~mt~~:e ~~ From the .front Sports Aloha will be added to the sec- the Americas (room 304), ~:;~ 8~:;~dc::e~u;:~ Sechton. ond se:nester bill, if the book York, New York, 10020. 25,000 people sitting rain and snow to ern Maryland College score Eixteenth victory in a row beating Curly Byrd's U. of Dec. 17 • 19 Thurs. - Sat. ·'INVITATION· TO A GUNFIGHTER" Join the Dec. 20.23 Sun. _ Wed. "THE SECRET Charm Club INVASION" AT COLONIAL Dec. 24 _ 29 Thurs. _ Tues. BOHN Elv(s Presley JEWELERS in PONTIAC "ROUSTABOUT" 32 W_ Main St. Westminster, Md. SALES is the date; 8-12 and Dee. 30 - Jan. 2 Wed. _ Sat. Buy Five Charms _ Fr'lck's is the Jerry Lewis Get One Free. SERVICE place. The Progrel"sions," a five piece band with vocalist, in currently appearing at the Nite "DISORDERLY It is not necessary to 192 Pennsylvania Ave. Owl in Pikesville, ,viII provide ORDERLY" I the music. purchase them at one time. ~psa,k:~·. DI"""'''''''''C>ND RINGS Sandwich Holiday Greetings PATIO True artistry is expressed in the brUHant from SHOP fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond en~ gagement ring. Each setting is a masterpiece of QUALITY CLEANERS Featuring 15c Hamburgers design, refle{:ting the full brilliance and beauty Thick Milk Shakes of the center diamond ... a perfect gem of flaw_ Pizzas _ Subs less clarity, fine color and meticulous modern cut. & LAUNDERERS French Fries - Shrimp Boats Homemade Do-Nuts The' name, Keepsake, in the ring and on the Management and Staft" of Quality Cleaners & Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches tag is your_assurance of fine quality and lasting Launderers is pleased to have been privileged to be of Rt. 140 E. or Westminster Phone 8018-5860 service to the students of W M C since December 1 satisfaction. Your very personal Keeps'ake is 1963. 'Ve trust our service has been satisfactory i~ awaiting your selection at your every way. We at Quality are continually striving to Dorothy Elderdice be of greater service to you and your textile service Keepsake Jeweler's store. Find needs. him in the yellow pages under To properly care for your winter wardrobe we WTTR AM·FM COSTUMES and FORMALS "Jewelers." Prices from $100 can Clean and Store all your winter garments here in FOR RENT Westminster Vault until Fall. in our modern Storage to $2500. Rings enlarged to This will eliminate the drudgery of toting those heavy Phone for Appointment show beauty of detail.&rra~e. winter garments home and then toting them back next W. Green St. TI 8·4630 fall. Please. discuss it with Mother and Dad. Call for mark registered. details, and remember this will cost you nothing until Fall. 1 South Center Street, Westminster. Maryland BUY YOUR FLOWERS ANGELO'S HOW TO PiAi'-YOuRENGAGEM!NTAN"O-w'iiiDIN&l Englar Road & Monroe Street at Pleose send new 20-JXlgebooklet,"How To PIon , 848-8050 - PhOl..;s - 848-8051 ruri c~l~ro~~Id:~: ~~hWf:d~~~2n;t~11o:-:r: : Stewart M. Italian Dining Room r speciol offer of beautiful -44-pogeBride'sBook. I ENDICOTl' JOHNSON DUTTERER'S Phone 848-2848 I SHARKEY'S I SHOE COMPANY I DRIVE·IN 114 Pennsylvania Ave. 85 W. Main St. J City OI-----Sfot.___. , 10 W. Main Street t_ ~E!.~e_o.!..AM.2~.!!!!~~~lJ!!o~:!.~~~~ Westminster, Md. Open 24 Hours Westminster,Md. Westminster,Md_ ·~----------I'~------~~ \ \,
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