Page 27 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Dec. 4, 1964 3 Somebody Up There? Versatile Trumpeter Active In Vocational Guidance For Students SCA,Sociology, Sports, WAA The college offers avoca· To "become flesh" - tion guidance service to as. A fund is being established slst students in making in memory of Dr. R. Dewees Desired goal for WMC choices of their ultimate vo- Summers. Miss Marguerite cational goals. Since depart. Shunk, at the College switch- mental choices are related to board, has kindly consented these choices, students may to accept con t rib uti 0 n s. wish to avail themselves of Checks should be made pay- the college service before the able to Western Maryland beginning of the second se- College, and should bear the mester. notation in the lower left Information abo u t the ~:~~.~~rner, "R. D. Summers :~~~~ ~~;~e S;;r~ice~i~i:;'t~~~ IL----- __ _j room 301 Memorial Hall. Music Contest Offers The service includes the tak- ing of vocational interest "tests" and inventories, fcl- lowed by conferences, and consideration of the student's academic achievements. Temple U. Commences Intern Teaching Plan Gradw:ttcs with. little or pro/essicmal training wh.o .,;;., I""",,um,,",", to beoomc teachers can. $5500 while acquiring a. tcr's degree, professional fication, amd This Embrace Sick Humor In the theatre and in art sick humor has become the eetab- lished fashion. Icnescc and Brecht bring the ridiculous and the sordid to us in a more pure light than we are able to corn- prehend. Dada and Pop art The SCA will sponsor the v;"'_no,,;d.,nil has passed over the heads of third of a series of films on the dominant majority of so- Doctor Paul Tillich on Mon- phisticated Americans leaving day, December 7 in MeDaniel only a sour and bitter taste in Lounge at 7:00 pm. In the our mouths. presentation, Ifr, Tillich will With "That Was The Week discuss doubts which young That Was" came a national people must face and will consciousness or feeling that call upon instances in his . somehow, somewhere, a new own youth to illustrate the force was descending upon us. second part of his talk. People began to realize that nothing was safe or sacred from this new humor: President Johnson, the late President Kennedy, or Charles de Gaulle. Cartoons have been utilizing the method of satire since Voltaire's time and ..probably longer. How are we to look at and evaluate this force which seems to have descended upon us, cast- ing an aura of shame and ANGELO'S doubt, guilt and anger? Even- from I some of the performers carried away with their Italian Dining Room . Lenny Bruce; but KELLY'S that these people do us can't be repaid. the introspect Phone 8<18·2848 STATIONERY AN IDEA we of our being, we 85 W. Main St. STORE FOR CHRISTMAS to admit that what Westminster, Md. Hand Crafted Pewterware Hallmark Novelty Useful. Decorative Calendars Will Not Tarnish For Catalogue, Write: 47 E. Main St. 848·5553 Westminster, JUd. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Holiday Greetings that one can never at- from wisdom unless he has, at some time, questioned sincerely Authorized dealer In the issues of his day and times. QUALITY CLEANERS Professors and parents alike look askance at some of the be- IMPERIAL. & LAUNDERERS . we manifest, but it people to realize never too sweet, discontinuity of matur- Management of Qua1ity Cleaners and Staff puts zing in people, , , refreshes best. CHRYSLER Launderers is pleased to have been privileged to be of & merely our attempt to be- individuals, responsible service to the students of W M C since December 1, - a world that will be fit- things go PLYMOUTH 1963. We trust our service has been satisfactory in for our children and their chil- dren. every way. We at Quality are continually striving to before So, I would ask that b~~th VALIANT be of greater service to you and your textile service we condemn sick humor or sick needs. kids, that we To properly care for your winter wardrobe we take the time to CQl
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