Page 26 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 26
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 4, 1964 . A~ B umplng ong• • • SGA Sound-Off I Flame'? Kemosobo'l Coslles In On Bumps Et I·. 'hook' we build will grow and Roger~ ~nd .Hammer- the additional purpose of acting that were safe to talk about: anxiety within the superstruc- so SIngle-handed we attempted and relatively nnimportant, but stem, a dramatIc-mUSical fo~m as a DEW line, since any ve- the boss's secretary jokes, hen- ture. This s.uppression of ma- to get one ~hrongh the proper lhel~ some evening in this work. caned t~e operetta .. Not qUite' hides crossing them will give pecked husbands, and the like. ture interaction causes one to channels while the students sat a~day world be spent in a WagnerIan ln tha~ It was not clear warning of their coming The new humor thrives on our reflect on pre-WW II Japanese back, expected us to fail, and revelry other tban self-contem- heavy nor completely sung, op- by the scraping of their chassis. ~~oebl~~!: p~~~:~or:n~f ~~~i~~ ~~~:i~g.wii-~ei~ea~seOfofdi~:~t ~~~~ Ut~n~U~~I).Po~~'e.i;.nor:~ed~:~~~:'ionS;ri~o~~~~pl~~one~!n;~; ~~!~w;e::;r~I~?miI~fc~" e~;:~~ Yours fOl"~~t~;is~o~~:~fee~on don't care whether what they ing from the great American Then the ~~mlnIstratJon patted ,with the D'Oyly Carte produc- An operetta was mU~lCand Iyl'lc _ ~~hb~~~~l"i~ot~Ur~~r~:~ i~~:i~ ~e~~st:~:~c~el~~ ~::~la~~t~~: ~~l~r%n~z;n~y g~npJ:; ~o~~. ~i~h.a~!s G~~bel~e:zna~c~~lli~~~~~f:s'?~~~e~~!r~y dialogue, the The Battle of or lump it-lumping it being prior to 1950. SOciety had an other game:--the han~rail was. nf us have groaned thro.ugh The plots were simpl.e; how_ Wistern What? preferable to them. uneasy conscience, yet it was too expenSIve for ch.Ildren to grammar school "productions" ever, for those w.ho wIshe.d. to TO THE EDITOR OF THE In our society is emitted a afraid to use a full length mir- touch. M~I'e expensl~e ~han of "The H.M.S. Pinafore," but find a fO.rmof satu'e and biting GOLD BUG: plethora of tensions: racial, po- ror for fear of viewing a taint- speed barners, tree trll~mJngs, we should not let this colour our humor, l.t was always p_resent. The following letter was found litical, urban, child-oriented, re- ed, tarnished self. and new P?l"ches? Inter-cam- views of the operetta. To those The mUSICwas not comphcated; in a long ~lmused at.tic of a ligions, and economic ones. If . Oftentimes it is important to pus coop~r.atlOn.beyond the level of my reading public who are ~l.l~~ was,. as}hose ~f yO~ fa- house being torn doum to 71UJ.kG we permit tbis tension to bridge view these humorists such as of admJnls~ratlve bu~y. work not familiar with the style of an Illlhar With. The Mikado are way far Urban Renewal in into revolt or insurrection, holo- one views first-rate critics. could be a bIgger myth than ~he operetta, J.should like to offer awal'e, desl.gned to create. II. Westminster. Wti're sure that caust would be the consequence. Many times the critic cherishes 7th'green! 'When student opm- un explanntion of this now pe- mood. ~!l In all, I should hke you. recognize its 1!alue ami. So, we have agreed subcon- the institution that he casti- -- to heartIly recommend ~hat all therefo ....e are f01"Ward-~l!U this sciously to turn the tension in- gates more than the one who is . of you who are able t~ Journey copy to you. for publieation. ;;a:~t\::~~~; ~~a~oc7a~~;fe~~i~~~:~~;e totr!~~~:~~ i~'asT~:e~Ub~ Plont Direttor Lists Duties ~~t~;~~'n~:~r ~~~e;~~~;~Ca~~~ ~~~;:b~~d~~' fi1:~--atthe Battle ceptable channels. The result (Continued on page 3) productiOns WhIChare prOjected of Wistern What?, Introducing Mr. Willis to run for anothel' four weeks. (formerly known as Wesley's . . Folly) I should like to jump now to THE GOLD BUG E~~%:~~t;~~has written ~~~~~'aC~e;etlln~~r:c;~~ c~~~~= ;~~~~~.:':t~~~~bS~~~~.naw;~: D~~e~~i~O!~~~nt, I'm sitting ublg~e~a~i~!~~kl; ~~wFPJd:; f:omW~S:;~~m~!;r~~ar~~g~Olii;;: th.~n;t~~ltiJ;~:~;" G~fllfs~gthe !~~~egOef:e~.~;~c~:i :;: t~~!~e~hf~ ~~;11~e~~~~~~:J~f~~~/~;~~l"E~~ ~hi~~r c~~~~~~ ~~et~et~~;~~: tntered as second class matter at the Post Office, Westminster, DIrector of the PhYSIcal Plant the.op~rabon ~q~lpment, ward Alhees Zoo.Story IS be- of Westminster. Fear not for ===::::::::.===:::::.::::::.:'-::"=--,----,--- has direct responSIbIlity dele- college pu.rposes and f?r outs~dc B'way cirCUit. A few mterest- Mother. health We have safety, dear of Western Maryland, under Act of March 3, 1879. ing done on~e agam on. the off- my and MarylR:n? College, aSSIgnIng spac~ In bUIldings ~Pl" --..:::===-:::.:=-====~.:_:::.:::__-- gated from and accountable .to groups III coo~eratlOn With ed students were treated last elaborate fortifications and im- thrown up SUBSCRIPTION A YEAR $3.00 PRICE the obstacles which will ~ffices. and other administrative Manager Business penetrable year to an excellent production ROBERTA LOVE Treasurer for. the phys~cal de- Mr. Willis, a retIred. army of "The Zoo Story" bandied a.s "most certainly hold against any Editor-in_Chief velopment of College pl'operty officer, assumed his dutIes. as a part of the ODK Arts Fesb- efforts at capture and block the RONALD LERCH and the maintenance and opera- the Director of the Physical val. If you ventUl'e to N.Y.C. road network in this area com- Business Manager tion of the. Physical. PI?nt. Plant on May ,1'. ~964. He is a so.metime so?n, this production pletely to the enemy. Our Com- JOYCE RUSSELL Under the reVIsed orgamzatlOn" g"adua:te of West~rn Mary!and Will be playIng at The Cherry mander is a very thoughtful Associate Editor al str~ct?l"e., the Superintendent C?lIeg.e, Class of. 1934. ~is Lane. Theatre. I pr~~ise a re- man. He sits all day in his Linda Mahaffey Lester Knepp of Bt:1l1dmg_sa?d Grounds,. Mr. WIfe IS also a graouate, while wardmg and entertammg three bunker poring ceaselessly over Sue Sachs Judy Rowe Preston YInglIng, has dIrect their eldest son, Eugene "Peb- hours, but J am also sure that his maze of maps so that no News Editors Feature Editors responsibility delegated. from bJ.e" Willis, graduated in 1964. you will not consider !t wholly typographical detail in the area JOHN LAW and accountable to ~he Director The Willis family Ii,:,es at 208 enjoyable, perhaps Just-un- escapes his control. Sports Editor for supel'visior: of lll~intenance Greenvale Road, Westminster. settling. The Colonel is very thoua-htful mailltenanC~, employees, . dally ASSi?t~~~~h~~ij~~~n~ti:b~~:;,bD"an~iJ'C~~::~ce:.h ~;;.nspo~tatlOn, .and PIa.nt S~CUl-Th Lea·der Of The Pack (as I have said) and quite in- Advertising Manager: Carol Yeager C~rtalf\ speCific d~t~e.s. lllus- e ~~~ti:oe s~~~leH~~a;O~~eyha~~~~~ Assistant Advertising Manager: Diane Bennekamper bring tears to your eyes. How- Publishing Editor: Alva Baker tratmg the responSIbilitIes of. ever their effect is truly hor- Editor of Art and Photography: Judith Goldstein the Director would inc\ud~: co· by Pam and Rob ribl~. Exchange Editor: Patricia Jones operation with the PreSIdent, Listen, my kiddies, and you shall be told Every sunrise, a detail of Typing Editor: Joy Holloway ~;ildi~;!i~~~S Gl"!~anndasg~~m~~t~ ?:t:~~ea~?:!~i:::~~~~~f~~r~,:e2._ Bold ~e~u;s b:;:li;~:~tst_oto g~iS~~~~;: Copy Editor: Carolyn Dowell tee and architect ~n.developIng Bangs _ smashes _ crashes galore. the poor creatures who during Photographers: John Greenleaf, David Frankforter, pla~9 for new. b~lldmgs: ~eno. Over the bump and onto the noor. the dark night did fall upon . Ma~rice Browning. vatlOns of eXistIng bUlldmgs. 0' pyramid builcfer _ poopsheet in hand these hazards. Their grotesque- usurped the land A"i81a~:r~:;:t~~~,,~~~~!::·~~~~:u~a~~~beth Hansen.Bubara Reimers,~~:::~!~r~:~;\~ ~fr~:t~~. :;~ ::r ~~:sg~ee\:ra:o~l.~~'a~rtr:~~u~:~eet~:::. l ben~frt~me~ bear m~te ~vi- Our parking tyrant AUi~':~tS;o:;k~~:~~h~l~:::~'hri"tle, DottieDra~. Tl-I.hEuker,Marl"ar~ as a college liaison agent with yeonucewould~e :;;~~I~do also a: t Fisher,NancyGochenour.Eli....beth Hanse.n,SherryJo.lln: BarbaraR"l~ro Federal an?lo~ &tate govern- the sight of the gnarled and spor~~r!:~:~~k!~rJ~y~I:rR!!~:ii~dE~!.~~~~:h:;;f"ld;: ~ir:;c~~;~!';.~e: 8::; ~~n~t~e~~:~s l~nI:t!~:~tsd~f~; ~vhe:nt~:Y:r:~n!~!,~ ~:eElderdice, what will it be like ~~:e~~;e~o:e~~i~h:l:r~:si;:~~~~ RePc~i::,:J~;~!"~:':;:oo~~'p~:~i"B~~:;~!,ir;:!!t~~~:s~ej~na!lh~aJ:~:~':ei~ ~: ~e~~~~e ;I~:~a~;de~~:~t~~~~ !c;~:i~~: :~i~7;~eb~::; :~: ~tO:r~1 ~f t~te~e\~ele~~a~~~~~sJ~;O~:dn ~:~:~aK~;!:iit:':~"..t~Ol;,.,H~:~~e~arh,RaphaelMay.mona,BarbaraNolan, tions 101' building projects ~nd Hail to the'chief _ our colonel of fame a~d \lntr~ated (or ,~orse, 'mal~ ;'"r!:;,i·~~t~:;~· :1::::de~a7..c~:l:ear~::'r ..c~r:~neD~~:.,:l~~~thYDraiOO,~:;~~~~:;eo~~k:~dr.e:~rr~:~n ~~i To WM Physical Plant he changed our name. ~r"'t'I:~~\;h,th~~/cars will long d R I" d F be A Fr n Sh Jilt d fi t ! \Ve love him, we praise him, 'we've felt his whip crack, U "'Q :Zi~.t~;p~~~:?~.n~teM~Do'::al~Ka:hl""nZ"i"Moo .!,Ei:!~e pi~rr. p:ur~ ~~~~r~~ss~n pr~k~~1 ~~ll~o;e~_~~~;" ••~':..'!,at,,:~I~~!.,~oH~.Lt>~~~~epreslde~: bac~? (Continued on page 4).
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