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RECENT MARRIAGES FOOTBALL PAGE 2 SQUAD Vol. 24, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 26, 1946 Terrors Set For"'Opener At G-Burg Additions To Faculty list Veteran Housing Season Opener On Oct. 5; For 1946-47 Total Sixteen To ,Include Forty Meet Delaware Friday Night Sixteen new members have been added to the faculty this year Units At WMC 'l'here's all old familial' CI'Y of to keep up with the increased enrollment and to replace old mem- "Pass-man over! " echoing over the western bel'S, ing project, Maryland'a veterans' hous- of campus these days, as once again, process now in the The new dean and professor of education, Dr. G.'Franklin Bto- construction, will be bounded by after a lapse of three years, wcetem vel', fills the vacancy left by the retirement of Dean Isanogte. He Maryland is returning to the gridiron received his A. B. from Susquehanna University, his M. S. from wimert Avenue, Shaeffer Avenue, wars. Pennsylvania State College, and his Ed. D. from the Teachers Col- and Sullivan Road, cast of Pennsyl- Under the able tutelage of lege, Columbia University. vania Avenue. It wi!! include eight Coach Charlie Havens the Ter rors Dr. Oliver Sarosi, professor of economics, earned his B. C. S. at one-story army barracks 100x20 fect, have been undergoing a ver-y thor- New York University, and his Diploma of Graduate Economist which will be divided into three unita, ough 'practice since September 4th, and doctor's degree at the Royal Hungarian University. He has and four barracks 133x20 feet, which in preparation for the season's opener made post-doctorate studies at Princeton and Northwestern Uni- will be divided into foul' units, mak- against Gettysburg College on Oc- versities. ing a total of forty units. tober5th. Miss Elizabeth Simkins, A. B., Uni- Dr. Margaret Esther Whitney, A Each unit will contain a living When the squad reported for its versity of North Carolina Women's 8., Adrian College; A. M., Ph. D., room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and initial practice, Havens, himself a College; B. S., Columbia University University of Michigan, is assistant a bath. There will be large storage for mer Terror great, was faced with Library School; A. M. L. S., Univers- professor of biology. cupboards and oil space heaters. Each the problem of building from the be- ity of Michigan, is professor of li- Miss E. Elizabeth Litzinger is a kitchen wil! be equipped with a gas ginning, To aid him in this task, brary science. new instructor in modern languages. range, an ice refrigerator, and a sink. Charlie had as his assistants, Bruce The new professor of military sci- She received her A. B. from the Col- New insulation is being installed. Ferguson, star blocking back of Bill cnce and tactics is Col. Carleton lege of Notre Dame of Maryland and Veterans' homes are provided Shepherd, and Mike Phillips, a more Smith, who received his degree from her A. i\1. from Johns Hopkins Uui- the Meade-Lanham Act, which recent Weste;n Maryland grid lumi- Purdue University. He has been in \·ersity. ministered hy the Federal Public nary. The job has not been easy. the Army for 2\J years, and served The music department has added Housing Authority. The college must While the squad is heavier than many overseas in both wars. Major Charles anot-her voice teacher to its roster, supply tile site and grade it accord- to don the Green and Gold, it is also G. DuBose, A. B., Wofford College; contralto Fernanda Doria. She has ing to the specifications of the inexper-ienced, but very promising. A. M., Duke University, is assistant studied in Milan, Paris and New FPHA; the government does the rest. Havens sizes the situation up very professor. York, and has sung with opera com- Similar barracks were located at well when he says: Dr. Wilkison Winfield Meeks, as- panies in the United States, Mexico, Camp Reynolds, Pa., and Shenango, "After a gap of three years it is sociate professor of physics, received and Europe. P a, impossible to continue at the same his A. B. from Maryville College, and Mrs. F'ranceaca Meyer, A. B., Uni- The first half of the first building A1·t O'Keefe. pace, we must rebuild as we are his M. S. and Ph. D. from Northwest- veraity of California at Los Angeles; arrived at WMC on September 16. looking to the future. The line we ern University. 1\1. A., University of California, wili Men arc working on two of the build- Halfback led Terror ground gainers get on the team this year should go Dr. Reuben S. Holthaus is the as- be 11 part-time instrnctor in sociology, ings now. Meanwhile, the vets will and scorers in 1942 season. O'Keeffe far in molding a much stronger ag-, societe professor of philosophy. He history, and politicgT'science. take rooms in town or stay in Gill was second in scorers for the State of gregation for next year. I do not earned his A. B. at Morningside Col- Dr. William A. MacDonald, who Gym. l\fal'yland that year. mean that we will not be in there lege, his A. M. at Boston University, taught art pert-time last year, is as-, but we will have to experj , his S. T, B. at Boston University eistant professor of art this year'. mont and that takes time. Further- School of Theology, and his Ph. D. at Miss Esther Smith, who has been SCA Appoints Upperclassmen more, I am issuing an invitation to BOSt.OllUniversity. on a two-year leave of absence while any freshman who did not report for The assistant professor of religion hclping her sister with the production to To Aid Freshmen Adjustment fall practice to join the squad now, is Dr. David Gilbert Bradley, A. B., of "Strange Fruit," has returned While you may not see much action University of Southern California; the dramatic department. Big brothers and sisters have Sar'tci-ic ; .Jack Eccles, William Ehl- this year, you will learn much t.hat B. D., Garrett Biblical Institute; A. Mr&. Evelyn Wenner is Oll sabbati- again been appointed by the SCA to ('rs; Donald Egner, Samuel Abrams; will help toward shaping a more M., Northwestern University; Ph. D., cal leave this year in order to com- aid the incoming freshmen and trans- Marshall Engle,_ 'Thomas Shaw; Rob~ powerful outlit ne,xt season," Yale University, plete work on hcr doctor's dE'gree. fer in adjusting to college life. crt Gemmill, Eugene Peale. The curtain-raiser against the Bul- Jack E. Hansma, 8. S., Michigan The list of big brothers with their Gordon Groby, George Johnson and lets at Gettysburg will be with a Normal; A. .M., University of Michi- little brotil._ers, is as follows: Richard Bomeman; Robert Ground, motive of revenge. It was in 1942, gan, is assistant professor of physi- C.ssell H.II Become. Eugelle Adams, Calvin Pettit; Jean Rober_i Kiehne; Howard Hall, Robert after leading 10 to 7 fOI' 58 minutes cal education. Bran( Eivilld Barth; Charlcs Brooks, Harman; Harold Hallllllargren, Thom- in what was proving to be a stunning The English departlllent has added Home Of Twenty-Six as Fletcher; John Barnes, Donald upset, that a field judge's decision Fred Law- two new members: visiting associate Freshmen Women William Sax; Boyle; George Brown, Alfred Morris; John Barthel, George Spittel; nullified a gallant struggle by the rence Cal"l', professor Lincoln Lorenz, A, 8., A. Bright: William Cook, Richard Dun- Douglas Beakes, Robel"t Lohman; Terrors and presented the Battlefield_ M., Harvard University; Ph. D., Shin- I<'o!' nineteen ~'ears Cassell Hall, lop, Harry Miles; Herbert Doggett, Kenneth Bouchclle, Charles Kidd; ers with a smudged victory. The fOl'd University; and assistant pro- located at the forks, was a sedate old William Dvol"ine; Robert Grumbine, Donald Brohawn, Charles Hammer; home team willl!ntel" the game in the fessor Helen Gray Howery, B. S., ladies' home. This year the atmos- Thomas Barnes and Harry Adams: Roy Cartel', Harry Biser and Charles role of favorites with a more experi- Radford (Va.) Stale Teachers Col- phere will be slightly altered-Cas- Bernard Jennings, Adolph Klein a~d Bush; Charles Chlad, Eugene Mar- enced and better-balanced eleven, but lege; A. 1\1., Teachers College, Colum- Robert Fink; Sigurd Jensen, Harry ron; Al Conley, Angelo Bosico; the part of the underdog is not new bia University. :;11 ~~~t;;~1 h~~~~~I:I;~~' t;::s~~s~~ Bright and Jesse Kagle. Wayne Cowan, James Jackman and to Western Maryland teams, and' girls. Hilmore LangJ.·all, Donald Lichty Herbcrt Leighton; Ernest Doherty, many times have proven to the foot- The large, rambling WiI- James Doherty, hous.:! with its A.N.WardToBecome low-ceilinged rooms was the home of and James Cotter; Henry Meredith, John Gruber; Robert Dubel, William ball dopesters that-they, with all their liam Munroe; records, are not infallible. Wil- John ~radley and J. E. Austin; Home Of Two Frats the Cassell family, from which it gets liam Merriman, Harold Travis and Thomas John Rolt, Howard Shannon; Jones; to begin with the fundamentals Havens of Elliot, Gale; It has been necessary Harry for name, Paul for generations. several its Jonathan Ne- The clubrooms of two fraternities, The front of the house facing the till- Herman Hirschberg; George Norman, Kaetzel, Charles Mullican and Wil-" (Continued on page 4, column ville, Galen \Vhite; the "Black and Whites" and the ing station is the original building; James Regan; Al Resnick, Burtoll liam Seibert; John O'Hara, Hubert 1) "Bachelors", will be moved from Al- the back part was added later. Braddock and Donald Denny; Adam Burns; Carlo Ortenzi, Lloyd Rogers; umni Hall to Albert Norman Ward The family bequeathed the house Slysofski, Walter Brewington; Robel't Richard Palmer, Joseph Walbert; Rev. Large Student Body Hall, as a result of the recent inftux to the Methodist Episcopal church, Snyder, Ray Diehl; Donald Sullivan, John RittleI', Buford Zephir. of new students on the HilL and it WIUi converted ini9 an interde- Preston Maxwell. Jesse Starkey, Ceeil Eby; George To Fill Alumni Hall The "Bachelors'" clubroom will be nominational home for deserving old Ernest Twigg, Alfred Yeglinski and local cd in the basement of the first ladies of Weslmin.'!ter. Many of its James Hankins; 1{enneth Yolk, JOhl1 ~~(':;::;~, \~:~~er D~:~~S:;i; K:~~:~~ At Fall Convocation "cetion, while the "Blaek and \Vhites" former oc('.upants nave been removed Rogers and R.ichard Pindell; Joseph Volkhart, Stanlcy Simpson; Joseph Fall convocation exercises marking will occupy one in t.he fourth section 10 Gaithersburg or the Methodist Ward, Ernest Burch; N. J. Wolfs- Wilson, Norman Stern; Edgar Ham- the fornlal opening of the 1946-47 bllsemcnt. Dr. Fred G. Holloway said Home for the Aged here in town. lleimer, William Weber; Joshua Zia, mel'sla, Theodore Randall; Wilton academic year of the college will be in <.l recent interview that eventually The "home'" atmosphere will be Lee Cartel'; Stanley Abrams, Joseph Harmon, Jack Lardmore; Allen Ja- held at 11:30 A. M. on Monday, Sep- the other two fraternities, tlw preserved this year. 'When you step Culotta. cobson, Emanuel Kalus; Edward tember 30. President Fred G. Hollo- "Preachers" and the "Gamma Bets", into the reception 'room it is just like John Adamovich, Simon Tullai; Johnson, Joseph Fowler; Ronald way will deliver the address to the will be removed to another location. entering the living room of your own Jack Ammon, Stewart \Verner and Keith, Robert Douglass; Robert largest student body ever gathered in The old clubrooms will again be used home. Dainty white ruffled curtains Karl Damuth; William Andel'son, Ed- Keys, Millard Knowles; Robert Kim- Alumni Hall. as classrooms, as they WE're in the hang at the '\\'indow~, and there is ward Williamson; William Bayliff, ble, Henry Corrado. This first full assembly of the year, past. even a quaint corner cupboard in the Charles West; James ~igger, John Melvin Lashner, Frederick Brill; ddigned to develop solidarity in the Fraternity bidding is handled very dining room. The girls will have McIntyre; Richard Broihl, Thomas Emest Leap, Julian Dyke; Jack Lech- student body, will open with the tra- differently from the _.bidding of the their breakfast and dinner there dUl'_ Doolittle; Charles Burkins, Ralpll liter, John Gallion; James Leonard, ditional processional, "A Mighty Fort- sororities. Fraternity bids for fresh- ing t.he week, but'weckend meals and Cockey; Winston Burroughs, Ro!!,er Vanson Hale; Walter McJilton, Harry ress", and the filing into the hall of men go out after a series of smokers, lunch will be taken at the college Simpkins; William Carr, Robert Lo- Schreck: Carl Moody, Jerome Gins- the faculty cloaked in academic robes. which are held just previous to the dining hall. gan. • herg; Henry Muller, Fr~derick Sif- Following the invocation and the ad- Christmas vacation. These bids are Miss Helen Howery, assisted by John Conover, John Blades; Jacoh frin; John Noble, Joseph Garrison; dress, the list of the students attain- returned, either accepted or rejected, her own mother, will be house mother Cumming~, Edward Nordby; George Dorsey Osborn, William Porter; Al- ing honorable mention for the spring immediately after the holiday. Up- to the girls in Cassell Hall. Durin; Davis, Robcl·t Wilmer; Willard Don- vin Paul, Armand Gold; Johnny Park- semester, will be read. The assembly perciassmell may be bid at any time the· day she will be teaching English ley, Peter Callas; Walter Dorsey, El- eI', Leo Lathroum; George Pfeidort, will dismiss in the usual order, giving . during the year. here on the Hill. wood Wal1ich; Homer Earll, David (Continued on page 4, column 3) precedence to the upper classmen.
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