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Librljry Ylestern Maryland College i7estminster, Md. CAMPUS FRESHMAN PERSONALITY ISSUE PAGE 2 Z286 Vol. 22, No. 1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September28, 1944 Community Concert S.ries Dr. George S. Wills To Leave Active Official List Of Big-Little To Feature Opera, Piano, Sisters Includes Names And Ballet Programs Campus Life for Westminster Home Of 160 Upperc!assmen :r'he campaign for soliciting mem- Dr. George Stockton Wills ended ternity, the Modern Language asso- influenced his later life. His early Final Draft of the Big Sister-Lit- bership in the Community Concert his fifty-year teaching career when he ciation of University Professors, the childhood is remembered by him be- tle Sister Movement is being re- Association in Westminster was of- retired as head of the English de- National Council of teachers of Enq- cause of the economic stress felt in leased today by Miss Ruth L Miles, ficially closed to the public September partment of Western Maryland nr- also a member of the Sigma Mu Era- southern homes as a result of the Chairman of this movement on the 23, but has been extended for the tel' serving in this capacity for Civin War. He believes that this Hill. . benefit of the College Students until twenty,-seVell years. Since he was left him with a serious outlook on Every freshman woman who has the close of Freshman Week at the fifteen years of age he has been in life at an earlier age than is usual 110t been contacted by her big sister College. Student membership dues are. a classroom as either a student or a for children. by Monday, October 2, is requested $2.40, including the Federal tax. teacher, except for two years during Playing an important part in pre~ to report to Miss Miles in Room 45, Mrs. J: Edmund Lippy, president of which he entered business. paring him as a teacher by stimu- MlcDaniel Hall. the association, has announced re- He spent his undergraduate days lating his imagination and giving him Martha Elizabeth Adams, Donna ccntly that the artists for the coming at the University of North Caronna a greater appreciation of the beauty Du Vall; Barbara Ellen Allen, Alice season have been selected. and received his Bachelor of Philoso- of nature were the experiences en- Kuhn; Ruth Elliott Anderson, Peggy Keeping in mind the preference of phy in 188!) and his Master of Philos- joy'cd by him while at the University Carter; Jane Angell, Vernelle Ports; types of programs desired, the board ophy after two years of graduate of North Carolina. Jean Virginia Anzulovic, Mildred selected opera, ballet and piano. study at the same institution. . The late Mrs. Wills also holds her Soper; Elizabeth Blair Armiger, Ma- Their selections are the Nine He had his first teaching experi- place in the momm-ies of the students bel Girton; Margaret E. Arnold, Ai- O'Clock Opera Company presenting ence at the end of his freshman year and faculty of W.M.C. She was es- leen Bai!. "The Marriage of Figaro" in English at college 'when he taught for eight pecially revered by the girls for her Jean Mary Baker, Shit-ley Gaver; with characters appearing in modern weeks in an ungraded school among understanding and friendship for Marion O. Beck, Ruth Hausmann; dress. Marina Svetfova, prima baller- mountain folk. them. ina of the Metropolitan Opera Come From 1889-1994 he taught in a The western Maryland Alumni A6- pany and two male dancers, and a boy's academy in the "Tat-heel State," sociation presented Dr. Wills' por- pianist to be selected. These programs and then, in 18!)8 the drgree of Mas- trait to the College two years ago. will be held in the auditorium of the ter. of Arts was granted to him at 'I'o all Western Marylanders this por- Westminster High School. Harvard University. trait is a priceless inspiration; to Dr. In 1943 this plan was introduced in He first entered the Western Mary- Wills at its unveiling, it was the Westminster and the newly organized land faculty in 1900 as Professor of greatest gift. association sponsored three successful English but resigned to take a simi- However, no portrait is necessary concerts during that year with lead- lar position in Mooney School in Dr. Gt'orge S. Wills to enrich the memory of Dr. Wills in ing artists of the Metropolitan Opera Franklin, Tennessee. However, the Professor Emeritus the minds of both western Maryland Co. Hill claimed him again between HIO! students and faculty. Although in his This year the group has sponsored and 1904, only to lose him to Greens- lish, and the College English Asso- classroom, his very being commanded another campaign to solicit new mem- boro Women's CoUege. ciation. the respect and attention of every berships for the concerts this season. In 1907 Polythechnic Institute A biography of Sidney Lanier pub- stadcnt=-even during his most severe James Wolf, a representative of the gained him as a member of the teach- lished in 1899 is also one of his ac- moments one could easily discern a Columbia Concert, Ine., was the ing staff and later made him head of complishments. From 1908-1911 he ready humor through the unmistak- guest speaker for the annual dinner the English department. acted as News Editor of the Atlantic able twinkle in his eyes. meeting of the Westminster Associa- Again in 1922 he returned to our Educational Journal and From 1908- tion. The meeting, which opened the campus as chairman of the English 1920 served as special English In- The students and faculty of West- membership campaign took place at department which position he has structor at the University of M',ary- ern Maryland feel a great loss with the Charles Carroll Hotel. The speak- held up to his retirement. land. the retirement of Dr. Wills. His fine er, who has sung in the Metropolitan Besides being a holder of the PIli Dr. Wills beli ves that .many im- relationship with his students is best Ruth I. Miles l for eighteen years, is engaged in con- Beta Kappa Key, Professor Wills is pressions gained early in life greatly expressed in his own words when he ducting membership campaigns in the says simply, "we were fellow- Mary Jane Biddle, Virginia Powell; workers-fellow-students." Eastern area. Clarabelle Blaney, May Honemann; Throughout the United States and Freshman Reaction To Hill Proves Consolation is found only in the Joan Borgwald, Anna Rose Beasman: Canada the Community Concert Plan thought that he will be close to the Janet Brown, Kay Kaiser; Jo Ann As early Favorable Despite FullSchedule has made it possible for music lovers campus and his influence will still be Brown, Shirley Townsend; Katherine to hear outstanding artists. known to Western Marylanders. L. Brown, Ma"y Lee Crothers; Louise as 1920 the idea was being promoted Time flies! There is absolutely no doubt about it. Why, it's G. Brown, Mary L. Reese; Patricia by Dema E. Harshbarger and 'Yard almost impossible to believe that only a few brief years ago I was Ann Brown, Dorothy Bolles; Cather- French and, as a result, for years beginning a new adventure in the first grade, and now nearly 12 Ration Book •..• inc Buckel, Ann Lessnhnjjdadcltne now, over 500 cities have been enjoy- years have passed. Jean Buhrman, Marjorie Cassen: ing the advantage of an organized The moment that I had eagerly an- to be quite a task. But it just seemed Ration books must be submitted S. Elizabeth Burch, Kitty Dewey; concert audience under the establish- to lI~rs.Claiborne, dietitian by din- Mary A. Burkhardt, Mary Filsinger; ed name of Community Concerts. ticipated for so long. has come and like a task. Kindliness was in evi- ner hour, Monday, October 2. Harriet Butler, Jean Andrews; Pa- dence a part gone and now I am actually everywhere and almost every It was proposed to do away with of real "honest to goodness" college newcomer had acquired the habit of The books may be given to Mrs. tricia Anne Butler, Margaret Stattler. local financial risk by organizing a life. And, so far, I love the feeling. greeting feIlow classmen with, a Claiborne; to headwaiter, Fred Dorothy Cathell, Charlotte Mac- permanent concert association in Morgan; or to other dining hall Conney; Patricia Chatterton, Lillian every city. called an "Association" The few moments that it took me "Hi" before that primary campus workers. Jackson; Mary Ruth Childs, Gale and promoted on a non-profit mem- to fill out an insignificant-looking rule had to be drilled into them. Lodge; Daphne Clark, Jane Beall; bership basis through a one-week in- card that meant I was 'in' and to Audrey Clendening, Anne Winters; president launched me forth on a ncw Faculty Turnover Reaches A New tensive campaign directed by a pro- shake hands with a most congenial Onalee Cohen, Mildred Vanderbeek; fessional organizer, thus raising the Adelaide Crow, Jean Smyr-k ; Dorothy money 'first and engaging the artist phase of experience that will last an- Dailey, Caroline McBride; Evelyn afterward -within the limit of the other fleeting four years. High; Thirteen Changes In Effect Dashiell, Nan Austill; Mary Dexter, budget made available. The sale of Hospitality is certainly not lacking Ethel Stevens; Betty Ann Dickson, single admissions was entircly done on the hill. Upper ciassmen or Thirteen changes have been made in the Western Maryland Irene Van Fossen; Vil'ginia Dodd, away with. Only members could at- "staleys", were waiting when we ar- College faculty since May 1944, reaching the highest number of Jean Eddy; Mary Elizabeth Dodd, tend the concerts. rived and it wasn't long before most annual moves to date. '. Polly Higgins; Mary Ma"garet Dom, of the buildings began to look £amil- Many valuable people have left the Hill temporarily or per- Anna Avers; Jean Dooley, Peg ial\-of course the names were still a manently but those who replace them are of similar calibre. (Cont. on page 4) Dr. Evelyn Mudge To Be little vague but with such mouths- Dr. Earl Ramer has left the Edu- sabbatical year in which to study. full as Albert Norman Wal'd Hall Advisor Of Trumpeters and Blanche Ward HalJ thnt is under- cation department to take a position A Professor Hurt is working for his Murray-Royer Recital To at the University of Tennessee. Ph.D. standable and forgivable. Members of the Women's Honorary new man will arrive February first to Professor Midse will spend the Organization of Western - Maryland Enthusiastic wclcome quickly made take winter away from the campus study- Open Music Season announced today .that the official us feel that we were actually a part Miss Joyce Barthelson, who was in ing and 1I1iss Ruth Watts will teach nBme of the organization is to be of a moving hub of activity. Realiz- the Music department has gone back Dramatic Art this year while Miss "The Trumpeters", and that the ing that there are approximately 200 to pl'ivate teaching. Shc is being re- Esther Smith is on leave of absence. group will be known on the campus of us, getting- acquainted appeared placed by :Mrs. Alexopoulos. Now serving overseas in the Amer- present a sonata program on as a Service Club and Honor Asso- Returning to her south to teach :'It ican Red Cross Field Service is Coach 10, 1944, at 8:00 P. M. in ciation, under the advisorship of Dr. Hockaday Junior College in Texas Leroy S. Byham and Dean L. Forrest Music Hall. Evelyn Mudge, also elected at the Women Occupy Dorm is Dr. Katherine K. Carmichael. Mrs. Free will handle Physical Education' This violin-piano recital of September 28 meeting. Onc" H"ld By Men Nina Veal has been appointed as Di- for the men. sitions by old masters will Fostered by Dr. Katherine K. l'ector of Residence which position Albert Norman Ward Hall house Carmichael, former dean of women, This changing campus has yet an- adds up to "Big Boss of the Fe- director will be Miss Mamie Isallogie and chartered by Dr. Fred G. Hollo- other: the women have taken over Al- males". since this dorm has been taken over way on May 19, 1944, the organiza- bert Norman Ward Hall. There's To replace Dr. Tandy in the Eco- by the augmented female populace on Guiseppe Tortini, 1692-1770 tion made its debut with Cordelia nothing drastic or lamentable about nomics Department are Mr. Paul the Hill. Sonata in E Minor Price, Dorothy Roveeamp, Beverly all this, surely-it's just the princi- Kuhns and Mr. Gerald Richter. They Professor Frank Wright has left Johann Mattheson, 1691-1764 Slacum, Margaret Ann Smith and p'e of the thing. will tcach accounting and marketing the Physics department to, teach at An Organ performance by Paul Mary Turnley, seniors, as its charter Albert Norman Ward was built in respectively. .. Pcnn State. Maynard will be given in Alumni members. 1939. and sinCe then its gargoyles 1111'S. Claiborne is the new dietitian !If')'s. Rembrandt D. Summers, wife Hall at 8:00 P. M., October 24; and These campus leaders elected and have noted several alterations. With- replacing !'tl1ss Ellen Davis in the of Dr. Rembrandt D. Summers, head in November, the regular Tuesday af- installed Ruth Hausman, Lillian in its walls until 1943 there were men dining hall. of the Physics department, will be in ternoon recital series will begin, ac- Jackson, Ruth Miles, Helen Stoner, with sport shirts of bright colors and Professor Frank Hurt and Miss the French Department this year cording to Miss l\r,aude Gesner, chair- (Cont. on page 3, col. 3) (Cont. on page 3, col. 4) Martha Snader have been granted a teaching hcr native language. man music department.