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Miss Ward '.'T. )I. C. COl WELC01HE FRESHMEN WELC01HE FRESHMEN ORIENTATION WEEK ORIENTATION WEEK , SEPT. 28-0CT. 1 SEPT. 28---0CT. 1 Vol. 15, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 23, 1937 I Campus and Faculty Changes CALENDAR I Seventy-First Session Begins Announced By College Dean Sept. 27-7:15 P. l\L-First meet- in Faculty ing of the McDaniel Hall Lounge. New Faculty Members To Replace Retiring Professors In Four Departments Of The College Sept. 28-1 :00 P. M.- Seventy- IA~nu~:':~n:'~A~dS:~~:i,n:t~n~~~'~~::B~~ first year begins. Regis- Lloyd 1\1. Bertholf, Dean of Freshmen I,. FORREST FREE NEW DEAN OF MEN tratton of new students. I LETTER I'RESENTED TO FRESHMEN Sept. 2B-Oct. I-Freshman Week. According to the announcement of Dean Samuel B. Schofield, there have been five changes in personnel. All of the changes came as the Oct. 1-1 :00 P. M.- Registra- Opening the seventy-first session of 'Western Maryland College, the result of resignations. tion of returning stu- thirteenth annual orientation week will begin Tuesday, September 28. Mr. Forrest Free, a graduate of , _ dents. Dr. Lloyd ~L Bertholf, dean of freshmen and professor of biology, has Lafayette College, is taking the place Oct. 2-8:10 A. M.-Daily sched- ___________ ; arranged the orientation program. left open by the resignation of Dean Campaign For Building ule begins. The schedule for the week includes Frederic F. Miller. Mr. Free holds Oct. 5-10:00 A. M.-Alumni R.O. T. C.Unit Spends a Master of Arts Fund Gels Under Way Hall-c-Couvocatlon ~~:~~:~~o~::t~~c~~~:~c:~::~c:~di~:~ degree from Six Weeks In Camp I Lafayette and $250,000 To Be Used To Build Dormi- National Symphony ~~;es'thi~t i~e~~:~ has done two __ that the fresh- years of gradu- tory For Men, Field House And To Play Here Again western Marylanders Carry off Camp men become ac- ate study at New Library Addition Honors In Boxing And Company quainted with the York University A building appeal for $250,000 has I Famous Orchestra 1J'0 Appear In campus, with the in the field of been launched by the Board of Trust- Alumni Hall, November 1, Under Honors In Pistol college traditions student person- ees of the College. President Hollo- Dr. Hans Kindlcr Western Maryland student officers and with their nel work. He has way reported to the annual meeting caq~d off honors in the camp period own classmates. taught at West that approximatetly $75,000 was a1- A return engagement of the Na- held this summer from June 18 to This also af- Chester S tat e DEAN SCHOFIELD ready available in cash and pledges .tional Symphony Orchestra, after its July 29 at Fort Washington. fords the fresh- Teachers College, for the project. very successful performance at Alum- men a brief re- Five out of boxing championships and Hofstra College, affiliated with The funds will be used to build a ni Hall last year, has been announced the eight classes were won by \Vest- DEAN BERTHOLF spite before the New York University. In each case new men's dormitory, a field house for the evening of Thursday, Novem- upper - classmen his teaching subject was mathematics and an addition to the present library bel' 1. errr Marylanders, with Norvin Gompf, return and provides for greater fac- and his work was also in the office of building. The men's dormitory will Although last year was the first "Peck" Martin, "Itchy" Andrews, ility in registering the old students the Dean of Men. take care of one hundred and forty time such a musical organization had "Peck" Slaysman, and "Tony" Or- when they do come back. Miss Carrison To Teach students and will include a lounge appeared at Western Maryland Col- tenet winning respectively every class On hand to acquaint the frosh with In the Home Economics Depart- and game rooms. The exact location lege, the reception it received evi- from 145 pounds through heavyweight their new surroundings will be the ment, the place left open by the resig- is yet to be determined, although it is dently warranted the orchestra's 1'1'- division. administration, the faculty, the stu- nation of Miss A very will be filled by expected to be placed on the other appearance. Charley Baer was named as the dent councils, and the cabinets of the Miss Clara Carrison. Miss Carrison side of the Seminary. Highly praised at the conclusion of honor man of the company, and Frank YMCA and the YWCA. is a graduate of the Western Illinois The field house, for which plans I its season last year, the orchestra Malone won the pistol championship Dean Bertholf's annual letter to ~!:~:eT~;C~~::t~~I~~geA:.~l: ;ro~: !~: ::;1' a~::n b~on~l~~~edfr~:.t;~~~:r:~ :~tusl~::l:~r~o~~d~~~a~n~~~sast~r::S;~: of !I::~o:~m;:::~el"d, of the faculty, I th~2~~:1~~;ssf~!0~9s4:1: State University of Iowa. She has I gathered from' thIS' campaign. v(;.t the eastern v'aa 01 the lJll~tl!d acted ca, plutocr.\ lc:::'k~', "I"ile. ~~r- I Off to college! What a mass of had ten years teaching experience in The new wing to the library build- Statees and certain cities in Canada. geent Lavin was the t st sergeant of mcaning is packed into those' three the high schools of the state of Illi- ing will provide for' an extra floor, Dr. Hans Kindler, the orchestra's the company. words: what fulfillment of dreams, ncis. which will be approached from the conductor, appeared during the past The following men attended the what surmounting of obstacles, what Miss Kathleen Moore, a graduate new pathway through the arch. The summer season as guest conductor at camp session; Allgire, Adriance, Bal- hopes and ambitions, what uncertain- of Western Maryland College, sue- present first floor of the building, as the Robin Hood Dcll concerts in Fair- ish, Baumgardner, Baer, Martin, ty and perplexity and little tuggings ceeds Mrs. Hamrick in the dining hall well as the floor now used by the li- mount Park, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Moore, Ortenzi, Sadowski, Malone, at the heart strings. as dietitian. Miss Moore, after finish- brary together with a wing added vente. Hood, Lavin, Forthman, McKnight, Well, college life will, of course, be ing her course at Johns Hopkins in thereto, will be used for library PUI"- Special student tickets priced at Church, Lesh, Gompf, Cline, Sim- different in many respects from what 1934, remained at the hospital in the poses. This will triple the library twenty-five cents will be available, mons, Timmons, Hendrickson, 'Vat- most of you have experienced hereto- office of the dietitian. She was act- space and double the room IIOWavail- while the general public will be ad- kina, Nelson, Slaysmen, and Reck- fore, and yet riot so greatly different. ing assistant dietitian from January able for administrative offices. mitted for one dollar. crd. . There will still be eating and play- 1 until September 1, when she ing and studying and sleeping to do, resigned to take over her new duties. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL FRESHMAN ORIENTATION PROGRAM only with slightly different emphasis Miss Bertha Adkins, new Dean of on the one or the other. At western Women, will have as her assistant September 28 To October 1 Maryland we try to make such transi- Miss Catherine Trawick who will Tuesday (meet under porch of Smith 3:15 a) Men: The Use of the Li- tions as are, necessary gradual and also act as an assistant instructor 1:00 to 5:00, and 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Hall) brary-Miss Ward (Li- natural. That is one purpose of in English. Miss Trawick is a grad- -Registration and room as- 4.00 Tour of buildings, for- those who brary) "Freshman Week". You are allowed uate of Converse College and holds signments (Office of Registrar could not go at 3:30 (Meet un- b) Worn e n: Enrollment for to come a few days ahead of the the Master of Arts degree from Duke and of Deans of Men and Wo- der porch of Smith Hall) courses (second floor, others and in the process of getting University. She has taught at Duke Men, respectively) 6:00 Dinner (boarding students Science Hall) acquainted with the campus and the University and Shorter College. In 6:00 Dinner (College Dining Room, only) 5:30 Outdoor supper (day students faculty you can wear off the first both positions she has also worked in Science Hall) 6:30 College Songs and Yells included): men in charge of the stages of "greenness" unobserved and the office of the Dean of Women. 8:00 Reception to the Class of 1941 YMCA cabinet; (meet under Wednesday unembarrassed. Miss Wyman Leaves (Note: Bring pencil and note- (Girl's Gymnasium, Blanche Smith Hall porch): women in Speaking in the name of the entire Miss Jessie Campbell succeeds Miss book and take complete notes Ward Hall) charge of the YWCA cabinet; group of faculty and older students Pauline Wyman as Instructor in Bi- on all addresses and discus- Thursday (meet in front of McDaniel who will be your hosts during these ology and Chemistry. Miss Campbell sions) 8:15 Psychological Test (Sc. Hall) Hall) is a graduate of the University of 8:20 Service of Worship--led by 9:50 College and Religion - Dean Friday :~~t i~a[:~tI ~~!~~~~~v:~:: ':I~li~;~ Washington and holds the degree of Dean Little (Baker Chapel) Little (Smith Hall) 8:20 ~:~'~~O~f~t;::i~~ :!fl~t-Dean ness to adapt yourselves, a serious- Master of Arts from Radcliffe Col- 8:45 Address of Welcome-Presi- Re- I ness of purpose, some intellectual lege. Her teaching experience has dent Holloway (Baker Chapel) 10:20 Ta~~o;~~i~u~:reC~U::::iO~~ 9:00 ~!:l:eti:e:::'p~:;:~::: e:;;i~'~ I curiosity, a desire to be loyal to the been in the high schools of the state 9:15 Announcements and Assign- of Oregon. ment to Advisers - Dean ]0:50 g;:~~~~~;:~:~S:it~h~a~~oice J ~~:;n ~a;1ei:: (:::;~:~" H:~i!~ !~~~~~~!U::ls::;nw~~~:~!:~~~d:;~n!~ Carroll Inn has been closed to the Bertholf of courses-led by Dean Scho- Todd (YWCA) the work of each day. In the great public and will be used as a dormi- !l :30 English Placement Test field (Smith Hall) 9:20 Men: The ROTC-Major Mac- words of Goethe, "WQ du bist, sei tory for women faculty members. (Science Hall) 11:15 a) Conferences of advisers Laughlin (Levine Hall) alles"-"Wherever you are, be wholly Smith Hall will continue to be used as 11:15 Filling out of official question- with their advisees (see di- 9:30 a) Men: medical examinations there." a dormitory. Practice pianos will be naires: men (Room 22 - Sc. rectory) Sincerely yours, placed there for ti)e convenience of Hall) women (YWCA Room- b) Conferences of music stu- -Professor Speir and the Military music students. McDaniel Hall) dents with Miss Gesner vine Hall) Department (Le- LLOYD M. BERTHOLF, A new office in the parlor of the old 11:30 Campus 'Problems: men-Dean (Faculty Parlor) b) Women: medical examina- Dean of Freshmen. Main Building has been placed at Free (Room 22'-Sc. Hall) wo- c) Continuation of F r e n c h Miss Ballard, the disposal of the Gold Bug. The men, Dean Adkins (YWCA) tests: initials C to G-Dr. tions-Dr. Women's Infir- Isanogle, old office is being used by the commit- 12:15 Lunch (Day students included) Munn (29, SC. H.) initials mary tee in charge of the $250,000 build- 1:15 Reading Test (Science Hall) N to S-Miss Snader (27 12:20 LUllch (Boarding students ing fund campaign. 2;30 Student Activities: men-Mr. Sc. H.) only) Ortenzi, Mr. Stevens (Rm. 22- 12:20 Lunch (day students included) SUBSCRIBE Sc. H.) women-Miss Gosnell, 1:00 a) Contilluation of conferences ] :15 Contin'.lation of Medical cxam- OWEN-DELONG NUPTIALS Miss Coppage (YWCA) with advisers inations HELD IN BAKER CHAPEL 3:00 Placement tests for those who b) Continuation 0 f F l' e n c h N. B. Saturday at 8:10 A. M. the reg- TO THE expect to take French: initials tests: initials H to K-Dr. ular schedule of classes begins. Miss Ethel Owen and Mr. Alfred A and B-Dr. Munn (29-Sc. Munn (29, SC. H.) ;initials Sunday at 9:15 A. M. Sunday School (at- Chapel in Baker DeLong, members of the faculty of H.); initials Land M-Miss T to Z-lI1iss Snader (27, tendance invited). GOLD Western Maryland College, were mar- Snader (27-Sc. H.) SC. H.) Sunday at 10:45 A. M. MOI"ll- ried in Baker Chapel on July 31. 3:30 a) Meeting of those who are 2:15 a) Men: Enrollment for courses ing Worship in the various (start churches of Westminster The ceremony was performed by Dr. applying for aid under the (second floor, Science-Hall) a good habit.) BUG residence I Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. DeLong NYA (Rm. L.-Lewis H.) I b) Women: The Use of the Li- Sunday at 7:15 P. 1\1. Evening have taken up their in b) Tour of buildings for those, brary-Miss War d (Li- Worship in Alumni Hall (at- Wetltminster. not otherwise engaged brary) tendance requir~d of boal'ding students.)