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COL FOOTBALL! U, OF BALTIMORE MUSIC AND SPEEOH AT ORIOLE PARK TOMORROW NIGHT- r ALUMNI HALL BE THERE! TONIGHT-8:00 P. M, Vol. 8, No.1 October 2, 1930 LARGEST FRESHMAN CLASS Theme of 1931 "Aloha" COLLEGE CALENDAR Faculty Recilal Will Be SEVERAL ADDITIONS WAS ENROLlED LASTWEEK is Announced 'I'RURSDAY, OCTOBER 2- Presented Tonight STRENGTHEN FACULTY Work is pr(>gres~illg rnpidlv 011 th(' '['enchen' Rccitul; Alum"i Hall; TIle annua l oombinw reeitnl of the ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY MEN J!131 Aloha, the. vcn r book'of Western 8:00 p, U, Spcerh and Music Dep,,-rt.mcnis will be COLLEGE NOW HAS ONE TEAOHER AND WOMEN TOOK PART IN )'lnl'yl:wd College, under tho direefion FR_IDAY, OC'I'OBER 3- presented in Alumni RuH on 'l'hursdav, FOR EVERY ELEVEN STUDENTS FRESHMAN WEEK Octol)cr:!,!lr eight o'uluuk. of Joo C. Newcomer, '3], cditor'i.n'chief, V:u-sity Footlllnd to rcpresent the Third Corl'S Area, in went. overseas nille months ofte\' gr"d ~:~:~ ~~l~no~:~oi:;l ~'rVo~:~~:~:,;; 50cintiOil and will maintain a permll 1t"~~:::U~n:f,,~,:d i~tI~e~:~~e~II:~\I~!(~: th(, COllipetition for the "\\'arrior of tlJll uatioll, TIc sllrved overseas from 1'.f/':V 8ehofield 011 "On Your )[nrks!"i and :l:;;~g:,ffi"e for the lls8oeilll,ion at the and also oue who relllly loves God, Pacific." award, "'hieh i~ gb'en to til(! '1918 unti! Jnno 1919 wilh tile fift,~,-t!ft" }[jss Ebaugh on the "Budgeting of Stu The lIew business II.Hnager is II grud, }'ri('ndallil' is intimae)" lUutual attrac, ~~:.~~.~';::.£:::,~::,;;::::,r~::~i:~~~d~:;'S~:::~£;;~;;;;;~:f~;:;';e;;!-,~ _"'~!L..!l~t~,'''"'~it",:~~,"-';,_T~h;~~,",f,t~,.'..,w..o;...,.;~a''':,"I~e~:=:t,.. -",,,",,,I,e,-,,,",' "OJ"""",rJo",ttc,:'c!'H~1!I;,_lS",'~hQ>ill",-,,,",n{CLl-,,:WC;P3,-' t~;:~e~~'~~~J";!h \l:~ll:~):~:l~~J~;~:J (md to the ehoieeof eourKes. mll~ed SJ.>:tll, the UnlVerslt~' of HawaII Caph)in Holmes hM been statiolled at Priday was devoted to a talk on Col, ~~:~I~~~~i:~~ldha~OI~:~\ C:_t~::e;f e~~~!:::::;~:::;::lil~17d t~~:1 e!l~ppr~d:!~~~ ill~~ lege Athletics by the Direetors of Ph~'· ~;~:I~~~e:trc~~II~I:~;;'la~:r~~~a,~~;:I~:~~:t~;~:~::I alll~il~:I:'aif,°~'~~ie\~ ,,~:: h~Sui!:es~ sical 'training. Tilis wu fQllowe(] by ~::~'l(!::~~or~e :~:~]j~;:;ee ~;ear:V~~t;~: heing by constHnt hcalth talks aud a physicnl exnmination oil field.'! of Texas, Luter hc was !lOll Ahove all things It frit'nd of God :~ ~:U1:I~ III the :~:i~:,:;~;':~I~l:mt:llh(~: ~~:~~~~II:nd~ef~~~ta~~n~~~!IIet80 ha:V~~t:~:: for all students. Heel-ed with the Old Bay line and thc kllo,,'s Gml, When thnt is nceomplislled so llecuuse of eoufiiet with tile. foot gre:I't interest in athletics both in col, Freshman Reception ~;~e8:i:~~~OIl1iI:~~s ~G~~nc~;~~e~':~ll;·e~I~:~I~S,W~~:,ot~~II:::~iS~::'~:~d ~~~:~~Il~GOot~': vall SetISOll, lege 1I.1U1in the army, IIe wlisthe flultr, wel- t_;"itl'iL Rnilwuys 11m] Elect,ril< COIII]J~lly "Oh, tnste ~lId RCO that the Lord is At the end of the C!!lUP l{_ ~1al'k kr\)llt'l{ ten", ef tho seventil di.-isioll foot, ,of B:tltimore, the lust fOllr years of his good." Recd Aud DOllald J, Wooley were 31i' unll thHt ,nln t.he championship pa"I£!!' States rceeptiollllOldin "l'1'I';~(' being liS Assistant rnrchasing We limy cOllie to knuw God tlll'ough nOI!lH'NI :.~ 111e 1I0nor s!udcntR of the' of the Unitod Arm,", and in 11120 Wednesdar, SeptemlJllr Z-Hh, Dr, Wil, ,-\gent, The yenr before entrl\neeto his the scriptures, through pr~Yllr, through w~~::n~I~;~;::::::::h~~lit;eIlOrriSWCI'e n~ w,,~ gi"ell a tr.l'ont with the Olylllpi~ liam -McDaniel tool. the of onr Mr, Harrison ju Hl'a, serviee, lllld throngh His dealings with nbsent President Dr, _-\, \Yarrl, zit w.itl, :El1lpre7."~ Bn,s. u~, Coming to kllow Him illtensifie~ follows' sharpshootor- Miss ~[argllrct Snader '2-7, \\'ho afler Rifte.: :IS hrnd of the receiving lille, ilt)iras, W'hilc lit Western Maryl:IlHl, Gur friendship by making' it a volulltury 1I1~I'k$lIll.'u-Bllte~, BnlUlI, T~awrenee; Galli' !p'Hdnutiug from Western 1>r,1I'~'lall(\ at' Da~', The guests showed that falllili:u- ~!r, HH"risoll Il,Iok UII at,ti"e l'Rrt ill "lid reeiprocal assoeilltioll, It is the sack, Rno", ,~ltllm, New«omer, Pennc, tended Columbia and t!1Ugllt in New Wcsteru ~rl;r,,'IH!I(1ten(len"y to 8rgre spurts, playing foo/u:111 aud llasebull, giVll ~nd take, well, Rein, Seitl:, Wool!:::;" \\'illd~or High 8{'honl, will teuch l"rCl\ch g'lIte themselves nceording 1.0 Bexes lIud and was rnenlber of Irving Literfll'!l' The test of fl-iendShi[! is loyalty, God Pi~tol: ex·\,cl't murks"mn-GOIl1~ak; here, 8cek opposito coruers of the rOOIll, The "\f:trtha Harrison '!H is till' is aJwuys true ill T-liH Plirt of the rei a lIIarksmen-IllItes, Br,~nll, Day, FI:tler, ~!j~s HO~l'lda, Todd, lll~o u gratluntr handful of UPI)ordaS8t!len pn'scnt of thu ll('\\' husincss llwnllger, tiOllShip, but ver~' of tell wo nrc not lo,v' Lawrcnee, ~lnnll, l:siul_!cr, (If We~l.l·r]I _M"r~-1alld, attelld~d P311zer worked energetically to bring IIhout, (J lit Ie llim, Ther gre~t diameters of l'ollege ~pe£iuliy,i]\g- ill _Ph,\'Bielil Edul':t, mOl'csoeialntmosphere, ti,,,,, Sho l'e1.Utn8 here llS "ui~btnt. to FRESHMAN RULES ENFORCED BY tho 01,1 Testament 1Iro great boen_lIs\! A grand march which jlllrti:dl," broke SOPHOMORE WOMEN \lw." \\'('ro 10,":11friends of God, All MEMBERS OF FACULTY HAVE IN, Mi~~ Purker, ll1e iee ,,'nsfollowed b:;' IIriotou3 stun I t,hat God reqllir<'s of us i~ loynlt~'," TERESTING VACATIONS ~Ii~,. .\dlli ... Roh)" wh.> rec~h'eil her entitlod "Wild Nell" in which Pcg to t-h() right nt' th()m ! Soph~ "lid Ilamiltoll took the tithl rol~, Bob Ehler ~\Ielll h'-'t8 of the to left of tllem! Tnto !,he of Mar,l'loud hn"e had nnd inlt'r' Ule pnrt of the (lashing hero of !lu.' rh'afh "ode the gall:.ut Any. ADDITIONAL "RAT RULES" FOR I!~t.illg va,·I1.tiolls, Below nrc lIecount~ 1'1~illS, Louis -Wernb;, Llldy Veri de Lnllr'e Rro",", uf r'll'iJnl'lIe, how that's thc wa)' the ~~reshmall girls FRESHMAN MEN of S01llC of tllesr "acntiellsnilil othrrs Vero; Chris llogan the IIle(licinc wom f~\j on Saturlla.v night. whonthe rul08 will follow in late!' isaues, Tl'lW~, is nil addilion to thtl Dou'c~tic flll; /lnd '\'esll'Y Day an(1 .ToRinh Still, were put on amid fhl' blood cnrdling, In addition to th.111- PRESIDENT WARD IN' WEST w"s Ir-ft ont in the rain until tI,o "pink tain dimIJiJJg with n llart," III \\'~'om- to till} studenl9 of Western Mary- and the white were (Ill waahed away, FresllJneli h:l\'ing dllttls during tl,e Colorl1do, PI'psidellt Allwrt Kor""ln Wllrd, land College t,hc following list of lind lH'r hair had lost all its curL" No first tll'O week~ must, wear a sldrt fOl' i'll:' and Some memhl'fs of tnke Imrtiu shops, stores n,nd plaees of amuse- slieked behiud on<' week >IS >I penal!~', 11m l)llrty lIIade first ~seent,~, Professor who hilS b"en trlln'1ing ill the west (los!llrticst Hair back Ilnll did not these bat was \'rl1 Stith'S with his fHlIlil~' nnd ,'i~it, mcnt for patrouag~, These firms _PrCSlllllell Illtc for ~lasses, if repor,t, their {'ars in grlly lmirnetsl Dinky n lIIcmberofpartiestlmtllladesevel" are, in a sense, college firms, l'd I}:v teacllen 1Il0re tllan once, must rug his old hOIJl(';lt ,'knttle, \\'''811, grcen l)ows on their forelocks; Hild to al secom] ascent.s, l..ft, Erelllont W!l~ Their :I(lvertiscments appearing in add the last perfect toueh-dainty P(;.1.' wear euns on shoes for threo da~'B, ono of tlle penks aseend<'tl, AI On(!time I tl:ls "'ill return to fil" "Hill" thi!l issue of the Gold Bug are lin !lut earrillgs tastcfully draped over Preslll!len must- tnrn ant all Eghts the lwrty w:ls187 miles from the n{'IlT- ,,'eek, WI, ill" in Sent tie, Presi, e\'ideDee of their loyalty to "'estern e:lche),--poaedellr, when not in thcir rOOIl\$, cstrailrond dl'nt \\'"r,1 uteur1ie(1 th" pulpit of the. ).I_:nyland and 'VestHu )'flJr."lnnd The Sophs, being deCj)l)' interested in f'reshmcn I!lU~t wear signs (IOxl0 ,'I>I1reh of whi"h ho was pastor» frw Doctor projl\et~, the newcomors' welfare, In.,yo eata'" in,) lI'itll nickname and last nlUno for partment, Whitfield, of the HiMor~' De- yenl's IIj!O, Lellving We~tmillst('r BARBER SHOPS-Everhart, City spent thr SUIIIUH'r working durill!!, thc latter part of Augllst, lished n sort of beforo breakfast OUl' 'H'ek l)f.' wilh the t!.rst, Man' 011 n paller on Methodism and S1a.very Barher Shop. dozcn that is (juite effclltivc, Eallh \by of. the tlrst ~ell\e~tcr. PT\'sid('llt aud MI'>', War(l, allrl Nul" CLOTHING STORES-T. W, Uath- "'hidl will be presented before the u,orning nt ten minntes past sovell the Amerieun Histori~al Association :It its 1II1I" '\"11 rd. Jr .. "'eut dir('e!l,\' to er &, Son, r:lts lellve their rooms and trot ont, into mt'cting in Bostell in Derember, 8cnttle where the)' "iait,ed 01<1 CONFEOTIONERY STORE8-Grif, the chill morning l•.ir down to Hoff!) invented and the poor Freshmen are lin's Goodie Shoppe, Bonsnck's being put through all the time,honored Professor Taggllrt of the German Dt', fri,'n,is for severlll weeks, Prom }'ield where for five minntes they IlfOW spent the SUlllmer in Snu .An, tl",I"', they trfl."el('d down th(' coast, Tea Shop, Znel11lry Confectionery, lustil,V, thus filling tlleir lungs with nice stullts such <1$ imitating a euckoo clock, TexlIs, working on the staff or stopping' "t 81111 Francis('o /lnd at ''Dad'' Smelser, Brown's Goodie d('~cri~)illg a ~onl kis~ (111(1 singing tht' fresh nir, Then as the breakfast bell the Antonio Light. ITt> made sev' Lo~ Allg~lc$, Prom Los Angele~, Shop, ring$, :1 wild dash np the Hill tones lHlllldry list 1.0 the tune of "Old Blark eral trips into Mexieo l'isiting :1tontc, tlwy journeyed to Kansas City, Rail' PRESSL'IG SERVICE-U, W, Miller. them up for another day of dodging Joe", rc,V :lnd othcr points of interest. Dur, sas, wllere Dr, 'Vllrd \\'lls1I1 one tilllO GENERA~mith &. Reihnider. the writer feels eontest ollthough l]ni\,i'uily, _lfTNIA'PURE GOLF COURSE8~ SOpllH, the (Inllidentall:;', deserve a lot 01 ered ~o now, the they probably live Iloll't think it ing the summer s was weekly held, Prof.e~~or for president of Knn~lIs Cit~, time in Kan- Sopha stories Antr Frosh wi!l through that lIl,vstery ColoniulInn Golf CourB~, i~ f01 leaving their niee, warm beds to al1 and eOllie Ollt sm,iJing bllt with n 'l'aggert entc'led seyerlll of theae- con' spending a short ,JEWELRY-Columbia ,Tewelry Co" peno' ally supervise these IllnnOeVeurs,) deep resolv(l to go !lt1d do likewise to sus eilS, the pari:. will leaYe for L, G, Balfour, t.ests lind ws~ fortunnte enough :0 wi" Westminster, A new and ingenious "stay" has been t\:le next Qllllch of unfortunates, onll firstPrize.rUd two second prizes,
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