Page 24 - ContrastFall1987-1988
P. 24

The Day The Rabbit Died

      Walk down the hall--
   See the look on his face?

     With a rumor like that
   Truth's not easily traced.

      He's crazed with fear
   And strung up with guilt
 He wanders through school,

         Dazed to the hilt.

        Such a mean joke
   Such a cruel thing to do?

       And yet I still hope
     He feels the pain, too.

        We did it for fun--
Should we tell him the truth?

        No, not just yet--
 Let him BEG for the proof!

    The anguish, the pain--
     It's what he deserves.
       For all that I've felt,
      This is little to serve.

      I gave him my heart
       I gave him my love
   Does he think he can rule
    Like a god from above?

      Choosing his actions
    To suit his own ways--

        A moment of fear
       Is but little to pay.

    If this works like I hope
   Maybe he'll come to see

        All of the sadness
        He's given to me.

      If not, then I'll truly
     Know where he stands
 But the fault won't be mine.
The choice rests in his hands.

       In any due case,
   I'll have my satisfaction
  If only I see pain and fear

            In reaction.

                                  --Rhonda Mize
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