Page 66 - Contrast1988Spring
P. 66

It'll Never Happen

No dresses.
A chance to play in the mud.
No ribbons or curls.
A chance to go fishing.
No black patent leather shoes to keep clean.
A chance to play baseball.
No nail polish.
A chance to be sweaty.
No makeup ... or even hairspray.
A chance to clash your outfits and have it be okay.
No gossip.
A chance to have no-obligation friends.
No cooking.
A chance to be waited on.
No housework.
A chance to wake up, throw on a baseball hat, and go!
No "Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. "
A chance to be the carefree impregnator.
No P.M.S.
A chance to earn a much higher salary.
No childbearing.
A chance to grab a beer and watch the game.
No sexual discrimination.
A chance to be President.

No problem, right, girls?
Not a chance.

                                               Mary T. Baschoff

62 Contrast Spring 1988
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