Page 55 - Contrast1988Spring
P. 55
Waiting, wanting, hoping for 51
or anxiously awaiting the phone.
Someone to come to the door
and the little plastic device to tone.
Jumping out of your seat
every time the bells bleat.
Pretty stupid, no?
No one admits to pre-date
jitters. Why I guess
that it makes us hate
or seem to those in school
to be less than perfectly cool.
Sitting in my dOlTI1chair
staring at my books
rubbing my facial hair
getting blank looks
from my eyes.
Best school money buys,
or so they have said.
Oh well tonight's boring
and it's off to bed,
before Roomie starts snoring.
I need a drink.
Something rather strong.
Helps me think,
stay up long
into the night,
before morning bright
seeps into my brain.
Sun comes up too quick
giving me pain
and making me sick.
; Contrast Spring 1988