Page 31 - Contrast1978Marchv21n2
P. 31

Your life is flat, a cheap snapshot,
Your thoughts washed out.

What color is that? I don't knoW.

Red is red unless someone has stolen
your rods and cones ,
You have the eyesight of a dog.
A big one tha.t begs and kicks
and puts up a shuffle everyti:me
y'ou get out the flea collar.
Sodium vapor is my :favori te kind of light ..
The yellow glare st..abs your bead
"IoTiththe force ·0£ a dull ice pick t
setting off sparks that crackle
llkesiclt laughter ..
Close your eyes and a single dot dwindles
aw~y, burning a patch in the retina,

staying there like llghtnin9 on a smmrer f s night-
the heat draws you into a gray world.

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