Page 81 - ward1919sb
P. 81
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"~rQl II SARY .'
[1 1 " 1917 ,I
(] I H, 10.30 A. M. ed
11 I rmed and Lutheran ;r,Y
11 Rev. W. H. Hetrick "
th. The College Choir
I ofessor E.A. Warfield .,
1; Rev. E. T. Read
I1\ f,f A~ron, trust in the LORD' .
the ir shield.
lar the LORD trust in th
r help and their shield. e
~ath been mindful of us' he
~ wIll bless the house of Israel:
louse of Aaron. '
ess them that fear the LORD
Ifat. '
sha.1I increase you more and
r children,
.ed of the LORD which made
, ,even the heavens are the
(r~h hath he given to 'the chil-
~ lralse not the LORD ith
IInto silence. ,nel er
bless the LORD from thi
evermore. Praise the LOR~~
ar~ri1itmull~truirt l] e-President McDaniel
Rev. E. T. Mowbray
,Dlesteru _nrylaub Qrullegt &uubau t;,~uul l] ~sin thy sight.
ilaktr Q!~apel
rmnQ' gone,
Fh that ends the night
gsun. '
IIMCMXV er rolling stream, •
E~. as a dream
nmg day.
in ages past.
~tQj rs to come'
~ while life ;hall last
ual home! '
President Lewis
r Rev. C. W. Walck
The College Choir
L. Elderdice, D. D.