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l~\iss Frances B. Myers

    ~ALLJOIN                             SENIORS INVESTED WITH


               AND BEST WISHES.               Baker Chapel on Wednesday morning,
                                           April 9, was the scene of the annual in-
                                 ~~~~;~    vestiture ceremonies. Ninet.y-nine mem-
                                 ~         bers of the Senior class were invested
                                           with academic costume. The speaker of
                                           the occasion was Miss Mary Olive

                                         j Ebaugh of the Education department.

                                              The ceremonies were preceded by a
                                           procession from Smith Hall to Baker
                                          Chapel. Led by the faculty, in cap and
                                          gown, with the colorful hoods of the
                                          higher degrees, the seniors 'marched
                                          solemnly to receive for.mally the right
                                          to wear their new regalia.

                                             In her addl'ess, Miss Ebaugh told the
                                          seniors that they were receiving the
                                          formal acknowledgment that they had
                                          completed Successfuly four years of col-
                                          lege. As college students they had been
                                          rated in various ways during their foul'
                                          years of Work. In the next ten years a
                                          different rating will hold however.
                                          Miss Ebaugh outlined three things that
                                         would dominate this rating. These were
                                          "the will to work, clear thinking and a


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