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P. 77
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Till' Memory and Fellowship Book is published solely by us and
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We want students to represent us on commissions, and school and
college supply stores, evervwhere, to handle 0\11' books at a
liberal discount.
Neglilar Books, appropriate for general use. III Red Of Blue Cloth
Binding, Embossed with title+-t'Memory Book"-in Gold ... 12.50
School or Individual Names in Gold; 2,5 cents extra ..
Prices for Special Books, in School or College Colors with large s('al or
other emblematic embossing. on application .
.1dditionul Pages mailed ill tubes 011receipt of the followilll{ PIĀ·;U.,.
Our-Nets School Year Record Section, 2'; cents.
Fellowship, 8 pages 2'; cents Blank, 20 pages , 1.5cents
Post Card. 20 pages 40 cents Gummed, 20 pages 15 cents SUGGESTIONS
Comblete "Stunt" Section, 8 pages, 40 cents
A,lY Special Sheet of "Sllllll" Section, same on both pages, 15 CellIs Le Page's glue is best to use.
OUR BOOKS MAKE MOST ,fPPROPRIATE GIFTS TO STUDENT FRIENDS. Keep thick objects in middle of page;
THE COLLEGE MEMORY BOOK CO. additional home-made cardboard
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226 S. LA SIILLE ST., CHICAGO, tt.t.. sections if found necessary.
Heavy leather programs and objects
not sticking easily may be held III
by piercing the page and tieing with
Translations of Fellowship Headings: ribbon or string on other side. We
sell special ribbon for this purpose.
Not only are the riches of friends common property, but their wisdom
Directions for "Ideal" GI4tntned Sections and forethought ought to be so.- MEN.NOtR. Covers may be kept fairly clean with
-Mojsten dotted line to soften .the gum What sweetness is left in life, if you take away friendship?- CICERO. cotton soaked in gasoline, and Laces
out and cleaned
may be taken
for length required only, and stick down There rings a song eternally from youth's happy hours; "Ohl how soaking in gasoline.
the clippings at one edge, so they may far away doth lie all, that once was ours." FR. RUCKERT.
overlap, shingle fashion, as shown above:. Love liveth upon hope; Friendship on Momorv.c-- CADET 0< r.ASSICOURT.
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