Page 56 - Elderdice1917
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                               Fairmont                           H. Latimer
                               West Virginia                     Elderdice Jr.            \'

                                                                 Hugh Latimer Elderdice Jr., I '                                    ),

                                                                 75, of 81 West Green Street, "',"....\.., "....

                                                                 Westminster, died Friday at - 0 (!;lo i ( ':>

                                                                 .\,2N:u4r0sinag.m.Hoamt e,theMaLnochnegsvtieerw,' ,-  ,                         '_;

                                                                                                                       I                \'

Dear friend -                                                    following an extended illness.                                       ">        ,

Thank you for your Christmas card and the very sad               'If .He was born in Pocomoke City, tL.,.                           ".1'1
note about Latimer. Your thoughtfulness in adding the            :f0ll\trvand came to Westminster at an \ ,                            "<> I
newspaper clipping is also appreciated.
                                                                 early age when his father, \ I                                           I ."
You may know that I have always felt deeply indebted to
 the Elderdice family. It was your father who opened             Hugh Latimer Elderdice,                               h(\,,!) ,,1\ ,,~~ ~
 the door to the ministry for me and influenced ~, education     became president of West-                                'V "IU H              '~ ,
 in College as well as in the Seminary. I suppose this was
 one reason Latimer were so close through our college years.     minster Theological Seminary.].                          ' '(J ~ \"                    ' ".      '
 We inlisted together and lived in the same tent during the                                                                     ,.r- ~ ,'ret..:)tJ f l  ' ..r
 first year of our Army service. Wben we were commissioned       After graduation from Western
 in June 1918 he was sent to France and I to Tacoma. Wash.                                                                                                I~'
 Since then we have seen little of each other but I have         Maryland College, he did                                      "             ',l' I
  always placed a high value on our friendship. Since                                                                     f\
  receiving your letter I have read the article in lithe Hillll  postgraduate  work in'                                   U~i'
  Be was. indeed. generous. kind and considerate of others _
                                                                 chemistry at John's Hopkins                                              .
  always a fascinating person.
                                                                 University. In 1929he became                                   ( /,

                                                                 assistant     professor  of

                                                                 chemistry. at Western "

                                                                 Maryland College and con-"

                                                                 tinued there until his

                                                                 retirement in 1961. After his

                                                                 enlistment in 1917 with Com-

                                                                 pany B tst Infantry, Maryland

                                                                 National Guard, he was                                                   i\II          f r,
                                                                 assigned to the Thirli 0 T C,

                                                                 Camp McClellan, Alabama,

                                                                 29th Division. In June of that

                                                                 year, he was .a,ssigned to                                                             ..
                                                                 Saumur Artillery. School,

                                                                 France, and served as 2nd                                          1.

I remember you kindly as a very helpful teacher in the class     Lieutenant, F .A. Following his
room and one who contributed a great deal. as in later years
I would try to implement those rules of speech you had em-       , honorable discharge in 1919he
phasized so strongly.
                                                                 joined Company H, tst In-

                                                                 fantry, to remain in service for

                                                                 20 years, rising to the rank of

                                                                 Commanding Officer. During                                                             "
                                                                 World War II he attained the
You have probably forgotten the night some of us borrowed a
                                                                 rank of Lt. Col., 115th lnfantry
bob-sled (with your help) for riding on the hill beyond the
                                                                 and in March 1953, he retired .

college. I recall how fri@htened I was trying to steer the       as Colonel. His father, Hugh L. 1 '                                t.

thing With the Wind and snow blinding my viSion. That was        Elderdice, and his mother "

the fastest sleigh ride I ever had. We discove~the hill was      Annabel Smith Elderdice, died I

covered with ice and the next time did not go III the       t    a number of years ago. His

the top.                                               way 0     wife, Helen Fowble Elderdice .

                                                                 ~ed in. August ,1961: His only \

It was good to see you for a few minutes When we were last       75Immediate SUrVIYOIrS a sister' \                                 ,, !
in Westminster. I am sure you miss Latimer very much.
                                                                 Miss Dorothy Elderdice,
                                                                 West Green' Street, West-

                                                                 minster. Also surviving are I

                                                                 several cousins, among which

  Pauline joins me in wishing for you a good measure of health   are, Rev. Charles M. Elderdice "

~lY4and happiness in this year of 1972.                          and Lloyd M. Elderdice both'
                                                                 of Westminster. F~neral

                                                                 services ~ill be Monday at :

                                                                 11:30a.m. at the Myers funeral

                                                                 home, Westminster. The Rev I

                                                                 Julian A. Tavenner and th~

                                                                 Rev. Donald W. Frank pastors                                                           r
                                                                 of the Westminster I United

                                                                 Methodist Church, will of-

                                                                 ficiate. Burial will be in the

                                                                 Westminster              'Cemetery

                                                                 Friends may call at the funerai I.

                                                                 home Sunday from 7 to 9 p m \

                                                                 Instead of flowers memo;iai t

                                                                 tribu~ may be made to the '

                                                                 AmerIcan Cll~cer SOCiety of ~

                                                                 the Westmmster United

                                                                 Methodist Church.
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