Page 41 - Contrast2014
P. 41

of the farm. He had talked every visitor into walking the
treelines along the fields looking for the supposed iguanas
that lived at La Iguana Chocolate Farm. Since we were
visiting a few weeks before the real rainy season set in, we
were lucky to get a few clear afternoons for exploring
Mastatal and the waterfalls that flow near the farm.

     Without trails or road signs, like most of Costa Rica's
unspoiled natural landscape, our journey to a nearby
waterfall was led by volunteers who supposedly had made
the hike once or twice before. With a sense of confidence
and a carefree attitude, we took off into the dense woods.
For over an hour we hiked through rivers, up steep hills,
and over boulders, until we finally reached our
destination. Through the clearing, we saw a 20-foot
waterfall and a deep pool of water; it was the perfect
height for jumping, so each of us took a turn helping each
other climb the slippery rocks. From the top, the clear,
cold water flowed from the river over the grey rocks.
Again we were overcome with a sense of the beauty of the
moment and the sensation of being in the present with no
pressing obligations. As I jump off of the waterfall, for a
moment I am suspended in the air. I am weightless, and
as my feet break the surface of the water, I am no place
else but there. My mind is clear and I know that this is
exactly where I am supposed to be.

     Easter weekend was upon us and constituted a
weekend of rest and family time. These days were spent
exclusively sleeping in hammocks or sitting around the
massive picnic table playing a card game called Geneva,
that Faye, a recent university graduate from England,
taught us all. A quick, competitive game, there was no
talking during the rounds and all rules were taken
seriously. Almost every game ended in laughter and a

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