Page 24 - Contrast2014
P. 24

Kaijaii Gomez Wick

may you ruin yourself
long before i can.

i wish you a life of ungrowing misery.
sleep in your bed. never in another's.
never know the taste of another's drool,
or how their hair smells in the morning,
the dawnlight glowing off their eyelashes.
never move out of your childhood home.
be trapped in your crumbling, decaying town,
with everyone you hated as a teenager,
unable to get out of your pathetic little room.

i wish you a life of being eternally seventeen,
unnaturally wilting, frozen in amber, unable
to move past the time you took someone beautiful
and tried to cut them into a wind-up toy.

i wish you a parasitic, lonely, entirely cliche life.
may the cashiers refuse to ring you up.
may the paramedics leave you dead on your kitchen floor.
may no-one ever name their baby after you.

contrast I 22
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