Page 83 - Contrast2013
P. 83

I know you read my face,
a furtive, crumpled note intercepted
before reaching its destination—
saw there the hesitation—
and you knew how to
plead, coyly, caught between
teasing and the need to make me
understand the draw

My quickened breath was rhyming,
out of time with the tide:
“I’ll follow you anywhere, but please don’t
make me follow you there”
but you reached out
your hand, an enticement,
the seduction of protection, and I
I had no choice—I took it.

Your fingers curled like a wave
Into mine, my lungs
Expanded, making me
Buoyant, and with that
One motion, the sea wall
Cracked, the tide came rushing
In, and I floated, surrendered to
The water so much more
Powerful than myself.

* The author of this poem has requested to remain anonymous.

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