Page 56 - Contrast2012
P. 56

Charles Mullin


With one hand positioned weakly on the wall and the other clutching
a flimsy paper cup, George stares at the bubbles in the water cooler.
They look like last gulps of life, of breath, of something dreamed up in
a child's mind. George brings the cup to his sweaty lips and lets out a
groan when only a trickle of water escapes down his throat.

            "It is too fucking hot to work right now:' says George. His co-
workers breathe a collective sigh and nod. "It's not even lunch and we're
sweating like pigs in here."

            The walls of the break room of Lexicon Publishing are lined
with memos, employment guidelines, and private jokes among co-work-
ers. The carpet is coming apart and frayed at the edges. Tread marks of
worn out shoes stain the floor. George turns and looks at his co-workers
sitting down at a three and a half legged table. A large stack of office
manuals makes up for the wobble. Behind the glass of the break room,
everyone else is pushing through the day with water bottles and mini-

            George bends his cup down under the water cooler, letting
the water pour out. He doesn't waste an opportunity to take one long
gulp before he sits back down. He smiles at the relief of water splashing
against his dry throat, the moment when water can taste like anything.

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