Page 67 - Contrast2009
P. 67
•,The never satiate seas 'and plants that grow '/
F,L'omyoung, 'ambitious shoot -t o .t ow+ ri.nq tre'es
That fall and rot and die c:nd feed young sprouts
That" grow to no avail!
0,' Vanity,
So dark, so sweet, at times. I feel it come
Again,. this dizzy rapture ,of my sense.
The words begin to fade, then reappear
In shockin~ 'truths asmadnes$ falls away
F,rom this wise man. Can this 'be wisdom giv' n
From God'? The -fld.c k'ring taper short in night
with al~;the,world beside so dark? And as
This 'pem de scends upon the scroll, I know
Not which will be so meaningless:' my words
Or love, my mind or heart, my airy thoughts
That reach unto the slinand speak of love
So base or warmth of feeling lending heat
Inflamed so much it bests the noon day sun-
Strong contrast to high iho~ghti so cold. And will
She lead me back to Ra or shall' I see
~he sun a footstool for th' Almighty God?
,True Justice is a scale' wherein two men
Are tried by tipping weights, where wisdom pure
Discerns the Truth through piercing g&ze, but what
If rocking scales ne'er cease their measurement
And mind cannot perceive what I should choose:
A life of love or thought. Such is my rate:
My two. split selves fore'ex: to vacillate.