Page 14 - Contrast2009
P. 14


jessica ..beUo,

           , "~" ;

 I don vt know ie'you will ever   To jog your memory of a time
 be well
 And if· in wanting 'to simplify  long ago
 Matters I have forgotten
 Just how sick you are            When trees were your for-

'Struggling, pinned beneath       tresses.  ,
 darkened' .
 Blanket I again hear the         The sky~your bounty, and the
 Haurrt i.nq, breath stealing,    grass
 "attempted"suicide" ,
 And· other sounds strung so      Your playfi'eld
                                  And you ~ould recall,
                                  Searching,for frogs by the
                                  Hunting, them siyly, preying
                                  On their certain moves
                                  And chirping sounds,

Does the pain of this blind       Perhaps in the memory of
your too,                         those
When .innocently driving down     Croaking clues and the sink-
an eri)pty                        ing
Road? Does it bring you~ hand     Sweetness of mud
Smashing against the steer-       You would again find child-
ing wheel                         like
As_grief overtakes your body,     Joy, forgetting all this
as tearless                       business
Cries empty your insides onto     Of medicine, psychiatrists,
the dashboard?                    and hospitals

I will flounder for the rest      And instead think on the
Of my life i~ I lose you,
~ear childhood companion          silky

                                  Peach and rose. streaks

                                  Of the horizon,             ,

In trying to help,'I wrap         The devilish blue of the sky

"feebJ,e-a rms      '             And desire again to wander

  Around and offer up             Lifetimes barefoot through
,"I love you,"
. You leave. quickly    The early morning. grass

Eyes'.carefully pried to the

ceiling .              .

Ambling away to safer terri-


I hoped as I climbed trees
That forced day by the lake
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