Page 54 - Contrast2004
P. 54

Angel was feelin' the mood in Dream Cafe                women and how they were his queens, possessing

tonight. She was a frequent visitor of the warm, in-    the longevity of the Nile, the ability to go the extra
viting environment, the bold colors on the walls, the   mile; how he cherished the variety of skin tones and
mellow furniture and tables, the lighting how it        high cheek bones, curves and hips, and of coarse our
seemed to in many ways be a spotlight that sparked      thick lips. How he treated women with respect of
intriguing conversation where one eye catches an-       the highest honor, yet Angel pondered if his words
other and sparks fly. She tapped her fingers against    were only face value. Many young, educated

the table while sipping her iced vanilla latte and en- brothas get up on stage and speak such sweet candy,
                                                        rich milk chocolate, like M&Ms that "melt in your
joying the young poet pouring out his soul (or was
                                                        mouth, not in your hands." His words melted her
he just revealing it?). His rhymes had a beat that
                                                        heart but she knew better than to let that get the best
intrigued her, while the conversations around her

faded into the background, his voice seemed to          of her.
                                                                 Shante broke her fixation with a comment,
dominate the atmosphere.
          She gazed across the table to Shante, who     swiftly bringing her back down from whatever cloud

was no longer absorbed by her caramel macchiato         she was floating on.
and its rich taste as the cream melted in her mouth,             "He sounds nice but does he really mean it?"

but more with the words of this young poet who's        She said.
words saturated the air with a gentle melody. He                 "Let the brotha speak," Angel responded,
had dark brown eyes with an indication of innocence
                                                        slightly annoyed that she had fallen off her intellec-

and caramel skin, with tamed twist that hinted the      tual high for the evening.
nature of his roots. His full lips were a window of              "Yeah, you can get lost in his words, but that
constant motion; Angel had the notion that there was
                                                        means nothing. You know from experience, these

a story behind that particular feature. She smiled as young brothas can talk a good game. The kind that
                                                        sweep you off your feet, the kind you take home for
her mind wandered off, thinking what it might be        your parents and family to meet. What is it that
like to kiss those luscious lips, but then again, keep
                                                        makes him different?" She sipped the last bit of her
those lips open and that mouth moving to his infa-
mous beat so that she could further be amazed by his drink through her straw, almost as if she was sucking
                                                        the life out of it; all of a sudden this poet's words
words of wisdom.                                        needed immediate medical attention.
         His poem was about African American

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