Page 52 - Contrast1997
P. 52

when innocents were beaten and destroyed.              As I left this horrible place I passed a gate,
The barracks where the victims were housed           "ARBEITMACHT FREI," and the harsh capi-
like cattle, no, worse than cattle, are gone, but    tal letters bit my eyes. Work makes free, how
the foundations remain. The foundations re-          ironic. I wonder if the German welder saw
main. These monstrosities were built to last,        the irony as he melted the iron to form this
and unfortunately they have. The numbered            phrase. I doubt it. This phrase is true, but
foundations serve as a memorial to remind us         only Because the hard labor meant death to
of all the dead men, women, and children, but        the ph sically decrepit bodies, birth to the
they do much, much more. They remind us              ~eautiful .ouls. Work freed many souls, too
that the foundations for these atrocities are still
here. They will always be here. Al~~e can              any. I can't help but feel so many deaths at
do is fight to control them, and keep them in        one ti e was wrong, even though they are in
check.                                               a bette place. The loss. The tragic loss of so
                                                     many innocents. Gone, forever.

    ory Of those who

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