Page 11 - Contrast1980v23n2
P. 11

Razor-Edged Insults

I retreat
bleeding and maimed
into lightening filled air.
The soft earth buoys me.

I lick my wounds.
they mend quickly.
But tonight ...

      whipped retorts sting
      my face
      cutting comments slash
      at my wrists
      rude remarks pierce
      slap, slice, slit and rip
      my body.
I leave a trail.

The first faint thunder
grumbles at my spirit.
A raindrop
splashes on my forehead.
I absorb the moisture.
But I can't
soak up the rain
fast enough.

The last red
drops of pride
from my body.

Wounds that deep leave scars anyway.

                     Jean Elliot

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