Page 18 - Contrast1978Novemberv22n1
P. 18

Chrestview Square North

45ยข and a transfer please.
Hove to the back.

I swat rumpled papers from a seat
to the floor.
A body shifts,
a dress is tucked aside,
and I take 1t1!:J seat.

The troman squirms and a shoulder presses against .ne.
The shoulder of an old black WOman

in a too tight orange dress,
with stains on the slee~.
There is a smell _

       fWDes piped from an alcoholic's  lung
       caulked with smoke.

It nags at my nostrils as I try to lean away.

I notice the scars along her forearm.
They begin at the elbow and continue down
in two distinct grids.


The Nemaw wi th large whi te eyes and a smile

who used to come twice a Heek.

She always had H s S's for us after school.

we would play tick-tack-toe  on Memaw's scar,

      and she WOuld laugb real 10ud because it tickled,

      and she always ended up coughing.

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