Page 11 - Contrast1978Mayv21n3
P. 11

·~re is everybody?" 1 asked him.
        "'Waiting for the" he :replied.
        Someone catches me weeping in their Garden.
       Police surround me, searchlights hit me
       in the face.
       1 stand with my rigid arms out fram my sides.
       "I'm ready" I say.
       "for what?" they ask.

     Judas, showed me his

       thirty pieces of 5i1ver.
      I W"dS delighted.
      We went to town &: bought
      a oar s a girl to go with the car.
     Then we st:opped on route 666
      c10se to Golgotha.
      Judas ticked :me out.
      "Bey" I said "I I venever
     hitch-h:iJt:ed before."
      "So fly! " be spat as he .zoomed off •
     .!hen I saw What looked like a party
     an a hill-top.

     "Maybe they'll 9i ve me a lift.. I said.
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