Page 6 - Contrast1978Marchv21n2
P. 6


 Holstien .spotted the pie on the ki.tchen counter.
 I'm hun.gry as a harse, he said. Then there was
 a real .horse in the room, blocking access to all
 cupboards except the very low ones.

 Mrs. Hay-e.s, washing djshes, was growing tired
 of her daughte±' s antics. Stop as if you' ve
 ·got .ants in your pants. Aa:auq. said little
 Charlotte, clutching at her crotch. Aauuuqgq,
 she yeJ_led, scratching the teaming- insects from
 her thighs.


 Arley was burning the nose of Victor, the dog,
 with a cigarette lighter when his mother came
 home. Arley vomited hlood up to the ceiling.
 His eyes had vhi ted over Showing no sign of
 retina nor pupiL Biscoccyx grew elongated
 and pointed. That scm of yours has the Den.l
 in him, Arley's mother told her husband that


Jay, belly on the floor, was razzing the cat •
Popping ou·t his tongue , wiggling it,
then POPPing it in. The cat perched .her heailto
one side • Out ·caIae the red mouse £rom bet:ween
Jay's lips. The cat struck. Five darts hit the
pink bini at once. Jay's fingers flew around the
cats throat andsqueez.ed to no avai1. The cats
five hooks were stuck in their e:MDticfish.

J~~ wh.a~~.~.'ft'an:1g .h._is:IDO~ c;a11ed in .~ the

dining %'OOJIl.. ..ilhAtl S the :matter boy? Ca~ got
your tongue? intoned his father i:Dp1tiently.

                                                     -Jeff Whittaker

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