Page 24 - Contrast1978Marchv21n2
P. 24
Irvinq is nuts.
"No, no, " everyone saidl "non It bother, not
.nOW'," but: Uncle Irving \QlS adamant. In ten
Dlinutesbe was back witil a pen and pencil set
forae.Be said he bad gotten seve.ra1of them
from. his .b:rot.he:rRuby, the hank president.
Uncle Irving- wanted De to have one. I was
actually touched. .
"1: figured you got more cali to use it than
:me, youheing itt writer and al.l." He was grin-
ninq. "I'm not ill wri • I don' t get much call.
to usethe.m."
"'Thank you, Uncle Irving -" I told him.
"'This is realJ.y nice." 'There vasa ball ..p..oint
pen and a cartridge pen vi til two .ink cartridges
and a mechanicaJ. pe:nci]. with an eraser under its
cap. "Now I III wri tea story for you," I said.
"Yeah ,sure I" he said, kind of sarcas-
tically. But he was happy that I 'd said
that; you could tell. Arw. even though I know
be I S a nut it still made me feel good to :make
hUn happy. Arter a.ll , it really wasIl' t much
trouble. So I said again, "No, I really mean
it, I'm going to write a story for you, Uncle
Irving- 't.
And that's haw it started. That's why a
story is neces.saxy.
I never told Uncle Irving ,but I had a l.ot
of trouble with tbecartridge pen. In puttinq
in the cartridge I :must have done something
wrong (I'm not very mechanical.) and! ended up
splattering blue ink al.l over the place. Mostly
on lDYpants. Lackily I was only wearing a pair
of old dungarees. But ! deci'ded that was enough
for the cart:ti.dges. The ba.l.J.-point was okay I
but what I really prefer is aBic Accountant
Fine Point. My handwriting is pretty small, and
I need very thin lines to squeeze everything I
write into my diary each night. Keeping a. diary