Page 33 - Contrast1971Spring
P. 33


       "Would I what?"
       "Like to buy some, I got a tab I could sell ya. Real cheap."
       "You sell them?"
       "Sure man. Happiness costs."
      "I wouldn't know, I've never had to buy any."

         I don't know why, but I felt ashamed at the way the hippie acted. Sick, I looked to him
and he smiled.

         "Doesn't that make you ill?" I asked .
         "No, he tries."
         "To do what."
         I was silent. It was disgusting to me that I live in this sordidness. He was definitely strange,
 but I liked him. Irounded up my crew and off we were to NBC Studios.
        NBC Studios were NBC Studios. Mr. All American was not impressed With the tech-
 nical details that 'usually awe the people. He was interested in what went on 1I1til" actual
 creation of a script. Something I had never thought of. When Johnny Carson walked bV and
waved, the intake of breams almost created a vacuum. My buddy kind of cocked hIS
 heaa and just looked curious,
         We ate lunch at one of the more moderate downtown restaurants. Afterwards we headed
 for the boat that would take us on a thrilling tour of the harbor.
         I was standing on the railing looking at the smog covered city and the garbage cnoked
harbor. Once upon a time you could fish in the ,l!;astRiver. Now I WOUldn't even smell any-
 thing that came out of there.
         "Mess, isn't it?" I asked him as he came up beside me.
         "It looks that way. I don't understand how you do it."
         "Don't blame me. I help, I'll admit, but there are a hell of a lot of other people in yonder

      "I didn't mean to blame you. I meant you, or perhaps t should say us, as a race.

 The destruction of land is beyond reason, it's a waste."
         "Yeah it's hmnan." he laughed, but it was a sad laugh.
         The daypassed-quicldy and that night we besided for the Quarter. The kids had been

 left behind and the only reason the old ladies were there was to make sour faces at the pta;cticaUy

:nude performers.
        My companion of the afternoon was there also, With the ever present smile on his hand-
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