Page 23 - Contrast1968
P. 23

He anxiously scanned the water for the jutting fin that

 would reveal the presence of one of those "primitive killing
 machines", as the books had often referred to them. One of the
 other scientists, however, was first to notice their arrival.
 CUrt was informed that there were two Mako sharks about ten feet
.in length swilDDlingnear the boat. They had not yet broken the
I surface with their fins, but rather swam just beneath the surface.
 CUrt had been looking for the sharks to be approaching from a
 distance and had not observed the immediate vicinity around the
 boat. He felt another shiver pulsate through hill when he thought

 of his ignorance of the sharks being so near to him.

              The scientists continued throwing fish out; the sharks
  just as readily devoured them. CUrt noticed several new arrivals.
  There were now about ten sharks weaving in and out of the area
  into which the fish were being thrown. Most of the recent
  arrivals were smaller than the first two except for one that kept
  to the outside of the feeding area. CUrt pointed this out 1:0 Dr.
  Treibstock who affirmed his guest's surmise as to its length.
  Seventeen feet seemed rather small when compared to the thirty or
  forty foot great white shark, but the size of the solitary shark
  which veered away from the others brought that combined feeling
  of admiration and fear to curt as he watched it maneuver its gi-

  gantic body.

               The large shark seemed also to be of interest to the other
  crew members. curt returned his attention to the same fish, when
  suddenly it shot into the center of the others, grabbing some fish
   and turning abruptly as soon as it had passed the feeding area.
   In the exact same manner it returned toward the raw fish, the
   supply of which was copiously renewed by the men on board. After
   his second charge, the other sharks followed suit, each dashing
   in from the outer circle. The turmoil in the water mounted as
   did the arousal of something similar to anxiety in Curt as he
   watched the manic behavior below. His grip on the rail tightened
   until his knuckles were white; his teeth were clamped tightly
   together, forcing. his jaw muscles to protrude. CUrt looked
   around him to insure himself against any accidents. He eyed the
   members of the crew lest this should be a plot for hiS murder;
   however, they were several feet away. Satisfied with his apparent
   safety, Curt turned hiS full attention to the action below.

                The thrashing of the ravenous sharks splashed droplets of
   briny spray into his face. The cold drops went unnoticed as he-
   intently watched the tumultous riot in the water. He felt the
   1mmense power of the sharks as they soared through the water,
    tearing the pieces of fish to shreds. One of the sharks tore a
    chunk of flesh out of another,. and the scene became wilder as
    the victim was devoured by his comrades. Thrashing, tearing,
    splashing, ripping, all turned to a horrible blur in aut's
    mind. He could hear or see nothing el'se. D.izziness overtook
    him as the scene belowbe~ame a hazy picture of gaping mouths

    and looming bodies.
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