Page 29 - Contrast1966
P. 29

I confess to having heeded the lure of the beyond myself.

I confess to having quivered with the ecstasy of song, flowed smooth

and strong along the curves of form, bathed in the depths of color.

. _To having yielded to the surge of motion and delighted in the

mtncacies of pattern.  .

. !confess to having been swept up by the strong·running tide of

life in the Moon of Awakening,

to having planted in black earth, run joyous in the warm sun,

sweated in the deep-flowing joyfire of work.
      I confess to having been one with nature and found it good.

I confess to having looked with tender eyes upon a child,

touched pain with gentle hands, embraced anguish with soft words.

I confess to having valued comforting more than comfort.

      I confess to having gathered in the bounty of fruitfulness in the
Moon of Harvest,

      to having treasured the full ripe roundness of completion, the
~mooth satisfying firmness of accomplishment, the sweet rich pride
III creation.

      I confess to having known joy in doing and content in having

I confess to having sensed the kinship of life,
      to having known communication beyond word, understanding

beyond thought,
 . to having reached out and touched being with being and seen
light beyond darkness, unity beyond separation, peace beyond
dissention, and that which I know not beyond that which I know.

I confess to nothing more - or less -
      than to being human.

               ANOTHER SPRING

Too many years are in this wind,
Too often has the bud opened
And the sap climbed
For this spring to come without sorrow.

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