Page 32 - Contrast1965Spring
P. 32


It's too hard, too long ... fruitless.
The everblowi ng relentless howl of wind
Through pine trees in an 'empty room
No doors ..

                   no windows ..

Where is it going?
Ha l Where did it come from?

Think, think; find the meaning
Don't think


But what about love?
Doe srr'r work - ~et out of your damn religious

        1vory tower.

What is man: ATP, H20, socialize ..
Boom - ashes to ashes; dust to dust.

I know what truth is!

The Devil youdo! According to a recent scientific'
      study ...

 Well you certainly don't know what truth is.
 After all, truth is society;
, Or is society truth?
 Or is it socially true?
 Or a true soc iery?

  "Anybody can see that you're black and I'm whi'te."

The voice of one crying ...
Jesus wept.

So would you if you knew the truth - all of it.
Well, he was obvio_usly a schizoid;

      Said he knew God.
            Existential contact?

Everybody knows that if you can't

Prove it, analyze it, di s s ect-jr , categorize it,

Macerate it, syllogize it, philosophize it, rationalize it,

Excommunicate it, burn it, crucify it, and discard it,'

IT AIN'T TRUE.                     '

Everybody knows ..
      Everybody ..

                           Richard McCall

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