Page 47 - Contrast1962v6n1
P. 47

"I do not know what your destiny will ever be, but
              this I do know .... You will always have happiness
             if you seek and find; how to serve."

walking toward the door that frees

                                                                      by martha carhart

                     Walking toward the door that frees,
                    Afraid to look behind,
                    Afraid to look inside myself,
                    Afraid of what I'd find;

                     What's lurking in the shadows there
                     To chain me as before,
                    And hold my spirit down the hall
                    Away from freedom's door.

                    I feel that I must surely run,
                    Secure a soul let free
                    And quickly grasp this peace of mind,
                    I find here offered me.

                    To shun the problems of a life,
                    To have a heart set free.
                    Free-to think, to talk, to cry,
                    To laugh, to walk, to see!

                    The hallway slowly shortens now,
                   I near the massive door;
                   And all I have to do is walk,
                   To free a heart that's sore.

                   I slowly push upon the door,
                   My oppressors will be shocked.
                   First joy, then fear invades my mind,
                   For freedom's door is locked.

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