Page 3 - Contrast1962Decemberv1n1
P. 3

This issue of .3hados of Contrast is the first of several supple-
ments Contrast is planni!1g-'tpoublish before the actual magazine
 appears in the Spring. Suggested by Pat Lawson, named by Louise
Simmons, and enthusiastically backed by the ~ntire Contrast staff,
 Shades is designed to encourage student writing by publishing much
more than is possible in the magazine alonG. Returns for the first
 supplement were excellent--somo of the material has even been saved
 for the next issue. But contributors are still needed for further
 issues and for Contrast, particularly in the field of the short story
and tho humorous essay. Material can be subr.-titt~adnytime until
Spring vacation, but the deadline for the next supplement will be in

        We hope you enjoy Shades of Contrast, and ivG'll bo looking for-
ward to printing your contributions-In the next issue.

                                                                             Dorothy Beck


      .The setting is a seacoast resort town. The time is summer. Some
of the college kids havo summer jobs and some are merely down for a
week or so; but you can c..skalmost any,ono of them "Whore's the party
tonight?!! and you'll hear somet.hing lifce !!Overat. 109th street." And
so you'll go down to 109th Street. You find a house--all lit up. Walk
in: everyone's welcome. Int.roduco yourset.r "ndsc.,meoneand start a
convorsation; protty soon you'll have access to somoone's cooler beer;
find c. likely looking female body and gyrate with it to the tvlist music
that fills tho air and can be heard a block away. A good stream of
Schlitz, a smooth line, a~d 'wheels,' and your evening is made.

        That's how it all starts: and whon c~loge is over or even before,
you graduate to the big t ime : it may be a cocktail party in a fashion-
able apartment with so~histicatod docor; it may bo an event at tho of-
fice; it may be an evening out at the country club; but it is always
the party, the same that was tho first party you went to and the last
party you will ovor go to, and only tho bodies change. You acquire
a glittering apartment to hold parties of your own in; and you acquire
a glittering set of 'wheels' to transport your body betweGn parties;
and you acquire a female body to Dlatch it, a ~littering famale body
with Miss Clairol hair and a Miss Clairol !1.CO and a Nis3 Clairol per-
sonality to match, and when you have worn itc'Jt you trade it in on a
new roodel, as frequently as your affluonce aIL)"!;.Js.

      ·And when it is all OV6r they take tho rope around your neck; or
perhaps they pump the arsenic from your sbmnachi they take your body
and they dress you in your f2v()rito party suit, and give you one last
squirt vrith your favorite deodorant. :And after the part.ygoers have
gone from your last party, you are placed in tho earth and adorned with
a great monument of grey stano. They think for a moment for an inscrip-
tion that fits you; and then they engrave; "He had a blast."

                                                                               Jackson Day
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