Page 13 - Contrast1962Decemberv1n1
P. 13

Sil~oue~ +c 8S she pa'ls<.::d in' front of, t,;._, .s~.c·c:u~ono,r .tJL ~ e r-, Si1~
PllS.1~d:l.topen e-nd stet'Fed' 0 t into th e orl.sll.t· ''\·.~b,,~·1: ,e,! 'C-.::rn. \ 111',' ,
lett1.~lgthe door snapsll,t behind·ner. As t{lt:'~ s!n~'1i?nt..s'tl·UC.II (··'\
her sn~ny pag~boy, it sparklc:d as tho bh set w1th J~welS and aauc~~
from to aide as she walked (1crOSS the gravel j.Lav .;re"" 'Cow, ret

the dock.

           She had pl~nty of time to ..spare. ~erhaps she' cOlId row
across the so .nd and .take one 1:lSt look at the camp from Jonsli'nS":'
Landing. She had often rowed across here when she n~~ded u
break from the monotomy of the camp routine. It waS sort of a r_st
restful place; a plac·e whe-r-e 'lOP C0 1d just sit and t n i nk .

    There it wr . s , Camp Winnoweh, a tidy group of whitewashed

log cabins nestleo in a cove among some tall pines. The pa-
vilion jutted ont over the water and the red and yellow row bonts

bobbed at their moorings Rt the dock as the riDpling waves
lapped against the rocky shore. Trtldi rested her oars in their
locks and watched a dragonfly hover over the water at the prow of

the boat.                                                                                        .

         In many w~ys this wns very m~ch like th2 camp she used to go

to when she was n littl~ girl. Sne co Idn't remember the name
but she knew it was Lnd i an , A~ Ler.s t everyone tno 'ght it was.'
It had been lncatea on ~ lake 1.n V~rmon~ about three miles from
So .t h Hero. Funny now t no se summe rs seemed so long ago.

         She cOlld remember little bits and sno.tcncs of the di f f e rerrt
ye PI'S sne h ad gone there. ~he had al.wc ys been the 1 as-t one in the
wnter, because she had to f1nd a nlnce to ~ut her gl~sses so they
wo Idn't be broken. Contacts rer111y were a vast imf"lrovemE::ntnow
that she tho Ight about it. Her ~ong braids had been 2nother'prob-
lem. They never seemed to dry and always needed someone else to
plait them for her. She cotld also remember the many times she
had cut her lip on her braces when s~e had tripped or fallen.

         The summer she was twelve was the l;,st time she had gone to

camp. The next yeer she wottld,h:ve been, too old for the rest of
the campers. She ~sneCH'lllY rE.c~lled th~ ~ollect.J..o~of st~nes she
had given to the g1rl.who h~d been her sen~o~ counselor th~t year.
Thay weren't just ord1nary stones. Th~Y were round! fla.t ones that

that she had found along the s~ore, wh1ch were exc~llen~fo~ sk~p~
p" ~ h d ~ut them in R d.scarded cravon box dndt.ed .t wlth

o~~~~fehe~~~fnktenwaiY~Dgbbons ••••in a dirty white box tied with

a piece of leftover we~v1ng y~rn ••••

            f i s t t"m'" ":\-1" realized it was late in the afternoon.
       For  the 1 1rds. hRd1.1t::cov_,e. r"'e-..d
La                                                 tne once clear  sky ~'" nd thre.~'." ed

    :ge dark c ou s ,.                             ba k t the safety of tne cove, a
rat1inf.f As she started toandroWwh1.p"o,eca. ~t.l,..e ca~ps of .tn.e.. wa-v.e;s., ·form..ngi

~ ' .• breeze sprung DPeMbo. of ~h. yelleWrowboat. ~e qui~klY

. f1n~ spray across ~ht"~d th~ boat f~81 to tne do~ph1n •••t:l.edthe

cbrOo's:s'eldt .t ithed s.otund.t\a'lnd" ni1eec,e ofc lefc tover weavH•Jl . yarn ••••
   u ...:l.e 1 W1 1 n ,

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