Page 14 - Contrast1960v4n1
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had yielded. We wandered about, somewhat stunned and muted,
making only sickeningly obvious comments on how lucky we had
been to fare as well as we had.

      We all wondered, but did not mention, what would have happened
if the fire had occurred one hour earlier when the one hundred mem-
bers of the camp had been assembled in the building for a farewell

      We wondered, but did not mention, what would have happened
if the innocent passerby had not told us of the fire until the dining
hall was aflame also.

      We wondered how we could have erased the fears we had experi-
enced from the minds of seventy-five girls, fourteen years old and
younger, if they had only seen the fire.

      The brief account that appeared in the newspapers of August
23 took only two inches of newspaper type. There was a fire ... it
leveled most of the camp ... owner's name ... camp's name-what
more was there to say about a fire? Yet when we read it-the sixteen
of us that had experienced the blaze and had been thrown desperately
into its pending destructive path-we were grateful that Fate had not
penned one more inch to the article-to include the alphabetical list-
ing of our sixteen names with appropriate ages after them and the
heading, "deceased."

                 "Biological Sunlight"

                                           KATHERINE SCHWABELAND

LIKE golden amoebae, the sunlit patches hurry here, hurry there,
      with each movement of the filtering foliage.
      They dart about over the sidewalk, seemingly bound by heritage
to the golden parent, oozing steadily through the porous leafage.

      The air-pores close. The many-layered membrane again becomes
non-permeable, sterilizing the field in a micro-second.

      Uncontaminated darkness ... Then again the ocular swings to
a more ferment view and captures the dazzling specimens at their work.

      Once more the world beyond the glass teems with the progeny
of the light, propagati~g only until the purifying powers of darkness
are reactivated.

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