Page 20 - Contrast1958Winterv2n1
P. 20


                              Lloyd Musselman

      A "Big Man on Campus" can be defined as a male college stu-
dent possessing an inflated ego and exalted opinion of himself, both
of which are quickly deflated when nearing his home town where
people know him (or know of him) and which are inflated to dis-
proportionate size when on campus.

      In defining the BMOC I should like to show different ways by
which an innocent bystander can recognize "it." Usually the BMOC
will lose little time in telling fellow students, upon his arrival at
the college, just how lucky they are that through the graciousness of
his heart and in a feeling of deep humanity he gave Western Mary-
land College a "break" and registered. After all he had offers from
M.I.T e • Notre Dame, Brigham Young, S.M.U., etc., etc., etc. This
shows one of his attributes-he is humane; he likes to give the little
guy a "chance."

      Upon embarking on the campus, the BMOC will be sure to dis-
play any trophies, medals, citations, Sunday School pins, track shoes
and any other evidences of his all-around ability. "Will you please
pick up my Most Valuable Player Award for me? Ha, Ha-so clumsy
of me" is a classic comment.

      Once firmly situated on campus, BMOC will have estimates of
all the courses and professors and will act as your big brother even
if you are a senior. The BMOC will be an expert (what elsel) in all
sports, but strangely enough never will go out for any of the teams-
that old back injury, you know.

     At the first class meetings the BMOC will rarely say anything from
the floor but will caustically let you in on the inside business and
what the others are doing wrong. Of course he doesn't want to force
himself upon the others, so he will keep his opinions to himself. Of
course, back home they just begged him to speak-related to Daniel
Webster, you know.

     The BMOC will quickly establish himself as an authority on all
things of importance. Some of his daily remarks will consist of:
"Just ask me," "Ask me anything," "If you want my opinion," "Boys,
I just overheard ... " "The trouble with this- (1) world (2) country
(3) school-is," "If I had my way," "I could have told you he would
do that," etc., etc., etc.

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